I see here quite often, lengthy discussions on how Putin is out maneuvering this, NATO doing this or that blunder, how China is to be blamed for that and how is Iran going to fight back with their latest drones etc...
The world of geopolitics is indeed interesting, and certainly there must be some genuine competition at that level. But seriously, if you believe Putin is independent and really fighting the Ukrainians or NATO, how do you explain he went along and vaccinated his people? How do you explain all the jewish oligarchs in Russia?
How do you explain Iran going full steam ahead with the covid hoax and vaccinating everyone? How do you explain their masonic parliament building?
I actually think this is much simpler than it appears.
Hanlon's Razor states: don't attribute to malice what could equally be attributed to stupidity.
Fact 1: Doctors don't do their own research into new medical procedures or even best practices. They rely on journals and their professional associations.
Fact 2: Journals and professional associations don't do their own research (and most studies are never replicated); they're generally made up of elected boards of people who get there by playing politics rather than scientific or medical accomplishment. They hedge their decisions on the opinions of global governing bodies, like the WHO; even when in Russia and other "non-allied" countries.
Fact 3: There's no incentive for doctors to fact check anything. Doctors who go along with the "scientific concensus" are protected in court by judges who, also not doing their own research, rely on said concensus and take it as fact, even in the face of contrary evidence. Doctors who go against the concensus, even with evidence, open themselves to liability and even expulsion from their professional association (ie their career).
We've turned our medical institution into a Ford Model-T plant; it's much more efficient than having every employee able to build a complete car, but now no one knows how to build a complete car. The bosses aren't the people who started the whole thing, they're politicians and bureaucrats who don't know how to build a car any better than the employees do.
The reason the pandemic response was uniform wasn't because someone forced all the countries of the world into it, it's because everyone was trying to do what everyone else was doing so they wouldn't face blame; basically the same attitude that allowed Chernobyl to catastrophize. All the WHO had to do was to loudly state the "concensus" and everyone gratefully jumped on it.
I'm now less worried about a globalist cabal of the most powerful people on the planet than I am of the idea that all of our systems have integrated with each other and become self-sustaining because, even if it's possible to overthrow the cabal, even they can't overcome the system itself.
We all volunteered for our systems because they radically improved the quality of life for us. But if they're self-sustaining, that's no longer necessary. The system itself, acting through agents like Gates and Schwab, will adjust things like population, resource allocation, innovation, and anything else it needs, regardless of the effect on people.
We can't get off the train because it's moving so fast as to destroy us as we exit, even though we once lived on the still ground.
Hanlon's razor is exactly opposite in politics and business.
Never attribute to stupidity which could be malice in disguise.
Yes, reverse Hanlon's razor at the topmost of politics. At mid- to lower levels, there's a lot of stupidity around, and the top level uses that effectively.