posted ago by Koanic ago by Koanic +19 / -3

Table of Contents

  1. Intro
  2. The cycle of history
  3. Political implications
  4. Factional ethnic correspondence
    1. Castle = Germany, France, England
    2. Rampart = sylvan and elven
    3. Tower = Swiss
    4. Inferno = Semitic
    5. Necropolis = Black Death
    6. Dungeon = Underdark
    7. Stronghold = Mongols
    8. Fortress = sub-Saharans
    9. Conflux = elementals


Video games are driven by capitalism to captivate an audience by achieving mythic resonance. Nowadays state-backed SJWs have captured the corporations and destroy popular franchises, but old games are still based. Heroes of Might and Magic 3 is regarded as the best in the series and still played after 20 years, because it was the most based.

I've tried explaining this to the game's die-hard fans, with moderate success. The less intelligent ones are unable to step back and see the big picture. They remain focused on irrelevant details such as campaign fluff text and backstory from other games in the franchise. What matters is the visual art, the soundtrack, and the game mechanics.

Explaining Polybius' cycle of history to Reddit Communists is a lost cause. Still, it's fun to tell the vaxxed that they are the zombies of the Necropolis plutocracy. Observing the race realism embedded in the art, however, would get me banned.

If you're wondering what the point of talking about video games is, ask Tolkien what the point of talking about fairy tales is.

This is a fantasy game. If you do not believe in the pagan gods, then take my references to aliens as… metaphorical. Hail Odin.

The cycle of history

For reference, watch this three-minute video explaining the cycle of political revolution.

This fundamental video has only 2.3k views after 6 years, which speaks volumes about the ill-informed nature of the voting public. Civic ignorance explains why Western republics have given way to oligarchic plutocracies. See also John Glubb.

Anacyclosis is not about the nominal form of government, but about who wields the real power within it. It is often inadvisable to name those who wield unofficial power, until they are safely dead.

HoMM3 factions fit neatly into this 3x3 sociopolitical grid, because the cycle of history is engraved into human racial memory via countless repetitions, from the smallest tribe to the greatest empire.

| Rule by | One        | Few        | Many      |
| Good    | Castle     | Tower      | Rampart   |
| Neutral | Stronghold | Conflux    | Fortress  |
| Evil    | Inferno    | Necropolis | Dungeon   |

Rule by one:

  • Castle is monarchical, uniting Church and State under Heaven.
  • Stronghold follows the great khan who unites the warring clans.
  • Inferno is enslaved to the Eye of Sauron that spins in each citadel.

Rule by a few:

  • Tower is aristocratic; the magical bloodlines run deep.
  • Conflux bows to the high Fae, who care for no man.
  • Necropolis is a plutocracy with objects for subjects, like Big Pharma's zombies.

Rule by many:

  • Rampart is democratic: Elven yeomen, dwarven legions and centaur lancers vote by clan.
  • Fortress is tribal xenophobia in malarial swamps.
  • Dungeon is demagarchic imperialism, freakish diversity united by malice.

See related:

Town alignment table and thematic counters | r/Heroes3

Political implications

The tournament of demagogues is underway in the declining USA, whose petrodollar debt pyramid verges on collapse. It is Trump vs Obama, with Biden his pedo puppet. This stolen election period will be remembered as similar to chaotic periods featuring two Roman emperors or two popes. You do not have to like either one.

The US military is divided in its loyalties and trying to avoid a civil war, the death of the Constitution, and nuclear war with Russo-China. Congratulations, you live in exciting times.

I have identified the USA and its vassals with the Necropolis stage of oligarchic plutocracy. This suggests we are all going to die, which is indeed a possibility. The USA is undergoing a Marxist "Cultural Revolution" along sexual and ethnic dimensions, which will prove more permanent than the ones suffered by Russia and China, which retained their racial character.

Pluto is the god of both death and wealth. Thus the Necropolis plutocracy represents not only oligarchic greed, but also its inverse, Communist envy. No other ideology can boast of a skeleton converter as effective as Communist democide. Nor of universal healthcare like the Necropolis First Aid Tent, which none of its heroes can learn how to use, because med school is expensive. Consider also the perfect equality in private property, the universal famine, and the total destruction of the environment. Yet there are always sympathizers, dabblers, in the lands untouched by the Blight.

Factional ethnic correspondence

Behold the implicit Whiteness and mythic resonance of HoMM3:

Castle = Germany, France, England

Medieval times.

Heroes Of Might And Magic III Soundtrack-Castle Town | YouTube

Rampart = sylvan and elven

Heroes of Might and Magic III: Rampart theme by Paul Romero | YouTube

The eastern woodland Indians were closely related to Europeans via Atlantis.

The lithosphere "elves" or "half-elven" are patrons of Aryas.

Tower = Swiss

Heroes of Might & Magic III Tower Town Theme (1998 NWC) Animated | YouTube

One of the best games ever created, Tower ftw.

The Swiss wizard faction stands ever vigilant against the Underdark.

Perhaps there is more to Swiss neutrality and stability than meets the eye. Mountains connect the lithosphere to the surface.

Inferno = Semitic

Heroes of Might and Magic III: Inferno theme by Paul Romero | YouTube

Note the physiognomy, and the well-developed counter to Castle's Christendom, representing Islam.

Hellfire parallels scorching desert heat.

Necropolis = Black Death

Heroes of Might and Magic III: Necropolis theme by Paul Romero | YouTube

The Black Death is the source of much European undead mythology, or it reawakened those tropes from the collective consciousness.

  • Zombies are rabies plus corpse aversion.
  • Vampires are syphilis, sodomites and Jews.
  • Wraiths are phantoms, ghosts who inflict nightmares to feed on the victim's fear.

Dungeon = Underdark

Heroes of Might and Magic III: Dungeon theme by Paul Romero | YouTube

The lithosphere is prime real estate, for reasons that surfacers will soon experience again. Those who live in stone houses fear no weather, terrestrial or solar.

Which is why the deep ocean, lithosphere and Moon are already occupied, and humans are sending robots to crawl around the Martian surface instead of settling in Antarctica's subglacial warm spots. Who cares how those Woolly Mammoths froze whole, anyway?

Stronghold = Mongols

Heroes of Might and Magic III: Stronghold theme by Paul Romero | YouTube

He goes by Xi these days.

The HU - The Great Chinggis Khaan (Official Music Video) | YouTube

You know how in Risk, there's a bonus for controlling the entire continent? Same for Earth's surface.

Fortress = sub-Saharans

Heroes of Might and Magic III: Fortress theme by Paul Romero | YouTube

An impenetrable swamp rife with killer mosquitoes and saurian hyrids. IQ isn't everything.

Conflux = elementals

Heroes of Might & Magic III Conflux Town Theme Animatic (1999 New World Computing) Animated | YouTube

Earth, Wind, Fire and Air: firstborn of Gaia, forgotten by man. Led by the Fae, cruel as Winter's kiss.

Prince Nuada's anti-human speech | YouTube

According to Yajweh, Earth humans are the only species in the galaxy stupid enough to manipulate the weather, let alone cause earthquakes with HAARP. We can't predict whether it will rain tomorrow, but we're sure everything will be fine!

Perhaps an angry elemental will offer a lesson in chaos theory. "Global climate change" indeed.

The Aztecs sacrificed a virgin in this sort of situation. Greta probably still qualifies…