Serious Question:
For those who align themselves as left or liberal or democrat. Trying not to use labels that some find offensive).
Do you support the current movement to abolish natural gas appliances?? If so, what criteria or sources do you use to justify it?
t. Grew up in an all-gas appliance household. Single story ranch, no basement. Mother cooked almost every day. Six people in the house; hot water was scarce due to the amount of dishwashing and showers. Gas furnace ran all winter long (cold state).
Not one instance of even mild asthma among any family member. Whole neighborhood was like that. First time I even saw an inhaler was after high school.
I am just trying to figure out where this anti-LNG movement is coming from.
Thanks in advance for anyone willing to speak up.
It has nothing to do with gas stoves. And everything to do with access to energy forms. Consolidate and own the channel.
Remove all energy not electric. Control all electrical systems. Reduces complexity for forcing conformity.
I believe that. I was wondering how anyone would justify supporting it.
I've tried to figure out how this became a political issue and all I can come up with is one side is pro burning fossil fuels/coal/gas and the other side isn't.
If there's something in my home that's been secretly poisoning me since birth, yeah, let's figure out a solution.
If this is just the latest in a never ending cycle of fear and outrage flavored distractions, then let's collectively shut the fuck up about it.
I don't have enough information to make a decision either way so this would be a story I would consider to be barely on my radar.
However, we know that breathing/ingesting these substances is toxic to humans, its safe to say the same is true if you burn them first. So I can see how there might be a nugget of truth here.
It is a pointless distraction. WWIII begin with non-linear warfare? WEF destroying food supplies and buying up farmland? Surveillance slavery? Open and complete political corruption? A coming global form of Neo-feudalism with the 1% as the new aristocracy?
Nah, what will REALLY rile up the plebs is a pointless and heated argument over gas stoves.
‘Left’ and 'right’ are offensive. Politics is not one-dimensional. The psychosis of forcing all ideological precepts into a false dichotomy and demanding that a “side” be taken is the crux of the problem with merely discussing the implementation of political views.
Politics is three-dimensional.
I agree. I was trying to avoid prolixity.
The rates of autism have risen as gas stoves entered more households.
I will let you do the leg work.
Look up the number of cases of autism since 1930.
Then look up how many gas stoves were produced in 1930 compared to today. Plus all of the stoves still in use.
The numbers are shocking. Be careful before you go down this rabbit hole. You may never come back out.
correlation is not causation. Look at vaccine schedule increase. Automobile production (exhaust). Food additives / preservatives. Seed oils. Household chemicals. Agricultural fertilizers and pesticides. Air pollution. Fluoride. Heavy metals. Rampant prescription drug and antibiotic use.
I can't reconcile autism with gas stoves.
Yeah that is exactly how I feel about vaccines and autism.
No evidence to support that narrative.
I have a suspicion autism may be from GMO crops and glyphosate, but damned if I can collect enough evidence. It is hard to find any real data when massively wealthy corporations are concerned.
It has also risen along with hormonal birth control.
But does correlation = causation here.
I for one don't know.
"Autism" as a diagnosis has only been around for a hundred or so years. How long would it take to spread around to all the doctors and start being used as a diagnosis?
Would that graph mirror the graph of households using gas stoves over roughly the same period of time?
Would the autism graph be better labled "autism recognition growth" over "autism diagnosis growth"?