Catholics are subverted jews, go look at the pope. If you actually had a fucking clue about anything, then perhaps the content of your messages would not be absolute trash.
Pooland is run by khazarians and has been for well over a thousand years.
They got so many jews in poland, they ship them out to control governments in other countries. So fuck off dipshit, you know nothing.
Beat it loser, since you like reading it so much coming back for more. I have nothing nice to say to a stupid ignorant fuck as yourself. Go be khazarian jew elsewhere.
Poland gleefully killed Jews en masse with German help in WWII, those they hadn't already kicked out. Your knowledge of history...well it's lacking. But, since you're at paid shill, you got your angle and you stick to it.
I will pray for you. You need it, you're so deep into your sin that you don't know what way is up, or down. Maybe a tiny drop of God's grace, should he be so merciful as to give you some, will help you come up for air.
On this pointless thread, I'm out. Come back with whatever you with, I won't be reading it.
"beat it loser"
I think your verbiage reflects your physical actions and self description.
Think what you want? You have already produced more than enough content to understand your capability and mental process.
Beat it loser.
Quality over quantity, mon ami. Know the difference.
You keep saying that "beat it loser" must do it really enjoy it.
Catholics are subverted jews, go look at the pope. If you actually had a fucking clue about anything, then perhaps the content of your messages would not be absolute trash.
Pooland is run by khazarians and has been for well over a thousand years. They got so many jews in poland, they ship them out to control governments in other countries. So fuck off dipshit, you know nothing.
Beat it loser, since you like reading it so much coming back for more. I have nothing nice to say to a stupid ignorant fuck as yourself. Go be khazarian jew elsewhere.
One more for effect: Beat it loser
Poland gleefully killed Jews en masse with German help in WWII, those they hadn't already kicked out. Your knowledge of history...well it's lacking. But, since you're at paid shill, you got your angle and you stick to it.
I will pray for you. You need it, you're so deep into your sin that you don't know what way is up, or down. Maybe a tiny drop of God's grace, should he be so merciful as to give you some, will help you come up for air.
On this pointless thread, I'm out. Come back with whatever you with, I won't be reading it.