It could be made for a flat plane, or a round plane or a concave plane. I dont know what shape this place is. I am not sure there even is a shape. I dont know how far the sun would have to be to see it. I would bet the what 400000000 miles its supposed to be at would work. (off the top of my head)
I am more interested in the impossible relationship between the sun, moon and earth. And where our history went. What happened to us that we have no real long term memory or the ability to recreate ancient structures. And why does it seem to happen on a regular basis?
It could be made for a flat plane, or a round plane or a concave plane. I dont know what shape this place is. I am not sure there even is a shape. I dont know how far the sun would have to be to see it. I would bet the what 400000000 miles its supposed to be at would work. (off the top of my head)
I am more interested in the impossible relationship between the sun, moon and earth. And where our history went. What happened to us that we have no real long term memory or the ability to recreate ancient structures. And why does it seem to happen on a regular basis?
The Lost History Of The Flat Earth: