Take something like Flat Earth Theory. Okay, if that's real, how can you do something different and gain benefit from it? Can you create an airline service with quicker flights to certain destinations?
I was just reading a conspiracy theory about how the The Great Pyramid was actually a device to change the magnetic poles. Okay, can we recreate it to change the poles again?
What are some conspiracy theories that if true can actually lead to us doing something different? How can we benefit from knowing the "truth"?
Yes, yes. You spam the forums with garbage. It's what you do.
Op asked for different outcomes...your agreements (yes) vs disagreements (no) only keep you within the same conflict (yes vs no)...no matter which side you choose. Do you have any memorable "wins" in your yes vs no conflicts?
G'ARBAGE; noun - "refused parts; unfit for use or rejected"...what if every part (living) fits into the whole (process of dying), yet also has the individual free will of choice to refuse perceivable (need) for suggested (want), hence partials refusing each other, hence becoming unfit among each other?
One (living) can only respond to being done by (process of dying). Doing implies execution, yet only the process of dying can execute everything living within. How could choice "do", when choice implies a response to balance (need/want), hence being "done by". What if choice represents a "re-do"´aka response to being done?
Here's the Tavistock origin of "spam" for public relations use... https://vimeo.com/329001211 Be aware that a forum represents a market-place, hence the breeding ground for choice (consent) to choice (suggestion) contract law...a "questionable" practice if you ask me...
You are very good at destroying discourse.
a) destroying DIS - "lack of" implies supplying sufficient for.
b) COURSE - "motion forward"....one represents the resistance (life) to being moved forward (inception towards death).
c) DIS (lack of) COURSE (motion forward)...still not enough dying around for you?
VER'Y, adjective [Latin verus.] - "real"...if good is real, then is bad fiction?
Not even accurate.