we need data of millions of years to work with to get on a factual level.
Check any paleontologist studies. They have tons of that data.
we can't find a planet to compare earth with
We don't need another planet to do the job.
and dont know how the climate was in the far past.
We perfectly know how the climate was in far past. Everything - temperatures, humidity, air composition, insolation, whatever you want with very good precision.
You could even just take a look at conditions you keep in your house - they are exactly the same as average conditions on most of Earth surface at the time our species was developed/created (depending on your believes) millions years ago. We keep that conditions in our homes as a genetic memory of that distant past. And even most obsessed with climatehoax globalists could not change or erase that memory, because it is in our bodies, not in our minds. Earth climate should have an average temperature of 20°C with 5-6°C gradient between winter and summer, day and night and across all latitudes from pole to pole. As it was in the past.
Check any paleontologist studies. They have tons of that data.
We don't need another planet to do the job.
We perfectly know how the climate was in far past. Everything - temperatures, humidity, air composition, insolation, whatever you want with very good precision.
You could even just take a look at conditions you keep in your house - they are exactly the same as average conditions on most of Earth surface at the time our species was developed/created (depending on your believes) millions years ago. We keep that conditions in our homes as a genetic memory of that distant past. And even most obsessed with climatehoax globalists could not change or erase that memory, because it is in our bodies, not in our minds. Earth climate should have an average temperature of 20°C with 5-6°C gradient between winter and summer, day and night and across all latitudes from pole to pole. As it was in the past.