HU'MAN, adjective [Latin humanus; Heb. form, species.] + AN'IMAL, noun [Latin anima, air, breath, soul.] aka animated (inception towards death) form (life). Adaptation of form to flow implies SPIR'IT, noun [Latin spiritus, from spiro, to breathe].
Consider the following....flow to form (inception); form within flow (life) and form to flow (death) represents transmutation of partial out of whole aka alchemical transmutation of ingredient out of base through "cooking". Next, consider "spirit-cooking" in regard to transmutation of temporary (life) out of ongoing (process of dying).
Why do we need to cook food to eat it?
a) does one need food or does perceivable hunger represents the need forcing one to adapt?
b) what if the process of dying (ongoing loss) "eats" those living within (temporary growth)?
c) nourishment aka NOURISH (cause to grow) + MENT (mind; memory)...what if the process of dying generates the living reactions?
RAW, adjective [Latin crudus, rodo.] - "not altered from its natural state"...what if the state of nature aka the ongoing natural order represents a constantly altering state (flow) for all those within (form)?
Where did cooking come from?
"I baptize you with water. But one who is more powerful than I will come...He will baptize you with the Holy Spirit and fire" ~Luke 3:16
Flow (velocity) causes momentum (balance), within which form (resistance) generates. If flow and form meet within momentum, then that implies friction, vibration; resonance; heat..."do you smell what the ROCK (Latin rupes, rumpo, to break) is cooking?"
Why are we the only animals that do it?
a) falling for the temptation of consenting to suggested (cooking) over perceivable (being cooked).
b) lack of self discernment as ingredient (growth) within base (loss), hence resisting, while dissolving (living) within solution (process of dying).
HU'MAN, adjective [Latin humanus; Heb. form, species.] + AN'IMAL, noun [Latin anima, air, breath, soul.] aka animated (inception towards death) form (life). Adaptation of form to flow implies SPIR'IT, noun [Latin spiritus, from spiro, to breathe].
Consider the following....flow to form (inception); form within flow (life) and form to flow (death) represents transmutation of partial out of whole aka alchemical transmutation of ingredient out of base through "cooking". Next, consider "spirit-cooking" in regard to transmutation of temporary (life) out of ongoing (process of dying).
a) does one need food or does perceivable hunger represents the need forcing one to adapt?
b) what if the process of dying (ongoing loss) "eats" those living within (temporary growth)?
c) nourishment aka NOURISH (cause to grow) + MENT (mind; memory)...what if the process of dying generates the living reactions?
RAW, adjective [Latin crudus, rodo.] - "not altered from its natural state"...what if the state of nature aka the ongoing natural order represents a constantly altering state (flow) for all those within (form)?
"I baptize you with water. But one who is more powerful than I will come...He will baptize you with the Holy Spirit and fire" ~Luke 3:16
Flow (velocity) causes momentum (balance), within which form (resistance) generates. If flow and form meet within momentum, then that implies friction, vibration; resonance; heat..."do you smell what the ROCK (Latin rupes, rumpo, to break) is cooking?"
a) falling for the temptation of consenting to suggested (cooking) over perceivable (being cooked).
b) lack of self discernment as ingredient (growth) within base (loss), hence resisting, while dissolving (living) within solution (process of dying).