Living within the process of dying implies temporary growth within ongoing loss...the few suggest progressivism as fictitious growth, while distracting the many with suggested narratives from the reality of perceivable loss.
The few suggest collectivism to tempt each "one" of the many to believe in us (plural) vs them (plural), while ignoring both oneself (singular) and the chosen ones.
to fix
a) FIX, verb (Latin firus, figo) -"to make stable; to set or establish immovably" could life, while being moved from inception towards death, be "immovably"?
b) how about instead of wanting to "fix" problems, one discerns self (living) within ongoing solution (process of dying)?
Living within the process of dying implies temporary growth within ongoing loss...the few suggest progressivism as fictitious growth, while distracting the many with suggested narratives from the reality of perceivable loss.
The few suggest collectivism to tempt each "one" of the many to believe in us (plural) vs them (plural), while ignoring both oneself (singular) and the chosen ones.
a) FIX, verb (Latin firus, figo) -"to make stable; to set or establish immovably" could life, while being moved from inception towards death, be "immovably"?
b) how about instead of wanting to "fix" problems, one discerns self (living) within ongoing solution (process of dying)?