It's such an incoherent belief system, they believe in "karma" based on ethics but think that willfully deceiving people by leaking out highly disguised warnings that they know damn well the masses don't recognize as warnings, which is intentional, is somehow ethical enough to dodge "karma" consequences, it's the same type of childish bullshit mental gymnastics used by dysfunctional cluster B people in their everyday mundane lives, so the only 2 possibilities here are that either tptb don't actually believe in this nonsense or tptb are a bunch of cluster B nutters on the same psychological level as a karen ranting on facebook about how tEcHnIcAlLy her yorkshire terrier is an emotional support animal so she should be allowed to bring it into olive garden
It's such an incoherent belief system, they believe in "karma" based on ethics but think that willfully deceiving people by leaking out highly disguised warnings that they know damn well the masses don't recognize as warnings, which is intentional, is somehow ethical enough to dodge "karma" consequences, it's the same type of childish bullshit mental gymnastics used by dysfunctional cluster B people in their everyday mundane lives, so the only 2 possibilities here are that either tptb don't actually believe in this nonsense or tptb are a bunch of cluster B nutters on the same psychological level as a karen ranting on facebook about how tEcHnIcAlLy her yorkshire terrier is an emotional support animal so she should be allowed to bring it into olive garden
By karmic, they mean talmudic.