Here’s a rare conspiracy most people haven’t heard of. I read it from Rothschilds 2009 Q&A called “I am rofschild, axe me a question”.
Rothschild (red shield of Rome) knows a lot because he is literally the guardian of the Roman Empire and manages their money.
He said back in ancient times, humans instinctively and intuitively knew stuff until the Egyptian devil cult government created language with the intention to create mass separation of concepts. Before, humans saw all of Life as One but by naming stuff, they slowly began seeing things as totally separate and independent objects or people.
This isn’t true because a tree becomes a chair then becomes a fire and then becomes ashes and then ashes become part of the Earth which can then become almost anything including part of the food that is eaten by a mother to produce another baby human. Everything is all mega system but to confuse the People, the Egyptians created language.
Some might say verbal language is necessary but in the future we will all use visual telepathy to speak which means images (not words). Our intuition always plays a part and figures things out for us but more so without language.
So by creating language, the deep state put humans a step back from full blown telepathy which is a much easier form of communication.
Also, Social Media is tech assisted telepathy. It has primed our mind to do telepathy meaning if it was ever shut down, humans would discover telepathy. This is 1 reason why they can’t shut down the internet.
a) what you're describing represents memory to memory information exchange, which ignores input to memory communication. A memory represents a reaction to enacting input. The web, stored as information on memory (server farms), requires an ongoing energy source to store, transfer and exchange information, which only then allows users to add their memory to the mix.
b) within reality...nature represents the ongoing input (perceivable), while those within (perceiving) represent the temporary memory, a memory required to have a moment(um) to think about reacting within enacting, hence to balance choices made.
Only memory allows choice to consider what was and what will be within what is.
c) the cause doesn't have a hold function, it's not a release from, it represents ongoing loss, which in return allows the effect to temporary grow, hence having a memory to hold onto growth (living) while within loss (process of dying).
d) the natural order doesn't require a need, since it simply goes on. The temporary chaos within the ongoing natural order require a need to distinguish themselves (the choice of want aka the will), hence struggling to sustain self as want within need. The living "need" the process of dying, yet the ongoing tempts the temporary to "want" to ignore resisting.
In simple...only if you put something into motion can there be a need/want balance (aka the momentum of motion) for a choice within to balance.
a) if all represents one in EN'ERGY, noun [Gr. work.] - "internal or inherent power", then one exists at the center of work, hence "as above, so below". OVER and UNDER represent ones reacting choice within the need to WORK.
b) by consenting to the suggested information by the few, the many are willingly repressing their memories by accumulation. Meanwhile; adaptation to perceivable inspiration represents expression (growth) within impressing (loss).
c) the more perceivable one ignores for suggested, the less one comprehends (growth within) perceivable...hence self imposed repression of expression.
The few use suggestion to tempt the vessel (life) within flow (inception towards death) to drown itself by accumulating flotsam. The vessel doesn't need the stuff from others (suggested information), it needs to adapt to the flow (perceivable inspiration) as to be able to stay afloat.
That implies ones choice to resist the suggested temptations from others, hence then allowing the mind to adapt to the perceivable flow of inspiration without (with less) distractions.
The real communication between perceivable (enacting) and perceiving (reaction) continues from inception towards death, hence throughout the entire life. The fictitious miscommunication between perceiving (reaction) and suggesting (reaction) represents the temptation to ignore the perceivable (enacting)...both coexist as balance aka need (perceivable) or want (suggested) for ones free will of choice.
The more one chooses the latter (temptation), the less one grows (resistance) within the former (velocity).
The perceivable (knowledge) moment represents the momentum of ongoing motion. This momentum represents the self differentiation of ongoing whole (process of dying) into temporary partial (living), hence an ongoing balance for each temporary choice. Balancing (adaptation to momentum) represents the need; choice (to ignore adaptation) represents the want.
Hold your breath (choice to want to ignore need) and learn that need forces itself upon now have a lifetime to learn from that lesson about the consequences of wanting to ignore need.
a) there can be only one way (inception towards death) for all life.
b) being within that way contradicts the cessation of motion (rest)..."no rest for the wicked (departed)"
c) RE (response to) ST (stop aka ones choice to ignore all motion)