a) the SOL within solfeggio represents SOL'ID, adjective - "pressurized setting", hence form (life) pressured within flow (inception towards death).
b) numbers (plural) are suggest to tempt one (singular) to ignore perceivable NUM'BER, noun - "the designation of a unit" + U'NIT, noun [Latin unus, unitas, unity.] - "one".
c) living within the process of dying represents partial (integral) within whole (integer) aka different ones within the same oneness, hence the self differentiation of whole (process of dying) into partial (living) representing the designation of oneness into ones.
d) temporary form (resistance) can only exist within the momentum (balance) of ongoing flow (velocity). The center of an enacting balance implies a reacting (free will of) choice.
e) if ongoing velocity meets temporary resistance, then that implies the origin of friction; vibration and sound, while the choice within the momentum of sound implies resonance (need) or dissonance (want).
change the definition
a) you (life) exist within constant change (inception towards death).
b) flow (process of dying) represents the predefined foundation for all the form (living) within. In other words...perceivable sound predefines every suggested word within.
c) the PHOENICIANS (those who resonate with perceivable sound) shaped everyone else through the use of suggested words (dissonance) to ignore perceivable sound, hence becoming DEAF PHOENICIANS (definitions).
In short...the many are tempted to ignore predefined (perceivable sound) for definitions (suggested words) by the few, hence falling for spell-craft.
Adaptation by perceiving choice (reaction) to perceivable balance (enacting) represents frequency, hence repetition through adaptation (resonance or dissonance) at short intervals within perceivable sound.
The ongoing natural order (process of dying) represents the source of healing for the temporary chaos (living) struggling with sickness within. The few suggest the inversion thereof, hence tempting the many to seek order out of chaos, instead of struggling to sustain temporary chaos by adaptation to ongoing order.
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Notice the suggested zero (0) to tempt the perceiving one (1) to ignore perceivable oneness (1)...the few suggest 0 (nothing) to ignore each one thing (perceiving partial) to ignore everything (perceivable whole).
There's no such thing as 0 within ongoing motion; nor within perceivable sound, hence an ongoing friction; vibration as the foundation for those within to shape out of sound (music; words etc.).
Nature doesn't suggest counting, it designates oneness (whole) into ones (partial), while demanding the struggle of each partial to sustain oneself aka apartheid within wholeness.
The few suggest the inversion of that as-well...e pluribus unum (out of many; one); tikkun olam (healing the world by bringing together); united states; united nations, european union; equality (same) through diversity (difference) etc.
Consider perceivable math...addition (inception); subtraction (death); multiplication (intercourse for offspring) and division (being a divided partial within whole) over suggested math (counting upon zero)...
that makes no sense
Sensing implies as perceiving (partial reaction) within perceivable (enacting whole)...each one (partial) senses everything (whole)..."nothing" is being suggested by others, who suggest rhetoric like "makes no sense" and "senseless" and also suggested terms like SENSA'TION, noun (Latin sensus, sentio, to perceive) to trick the perceiving to ignore perceivable (reality) for suggested (fiction).
Another suggested inversion of being the temporary partial (less) within the ongoing whole (ever) aka "evertheless".
Perceivable (inspiration) represents the prime; suggested (information) represents the sub-par.
A bunch of stuff to consider...
a) the SOL within solfeggio represents SOL'ID, adjective - "pressurized setting", hence form (life) pressured within flow (inception towards death).
b) numbers (plural) are suggest to tempt one (singular) to ignore perceivable NUM'BER, noun - "the designation of a unit" + U'NIT, noun [Latin unus, unitas, unity.] - "one".
c) living within the process of dying represents partial (integral) within whole (integer) aka different ones within the same oneness, hence the self differentiation of whole (process of dying) into partial (living) representing the designation of oneness into ones.
d) temporary form (resistance) can only exist within the momentum (balance) of ongoing flow (velocity). The center of an enacting balance implies a reacting (free will of) choice.
e) if ongoing velocity meets temporary resistance, then that implies the origin of friction; vibration and sound, while the choice within the momentum of sound implies resonance (need) or dissonance (want).
a) you (life) exist within constant change (inception towards death).
b) flow (process of dying) represents the predefined foundation for all the form (living) within. In other words...perceivable sound predefines every suggested word within.
c) the PHOENICIANS (those who resonate with perceivable sound) shaped everyone else through the use of suggested words (dissonance) to ignore perceivable sound, hence becoming DEAF PHOENICIANS (definitions).
In short...the many are tempted to ignore predefined (perceivable sound) for definitions (suggested words) by the few, hence falling for spell-craft.
Adaptation by perceiving choice (reaction) to perceivable balance (enacting) represents frequency, hence repetition through adaptation (resonance or dissonance) at short intervals within perceivable sound.
The ongoing natural order (process of dying) represents the source of healing for the temporary chaos (living) struggling with sickness within. The few suggest the inversion thereof, hence tempting the many to seek order out of chaos, instead of struggling to sustain temporary chaos by adaptation to ongoing order.
Notice the suggested zero (0) to tempt the perceiving one (1) to ignore perceivable oneness (1)...the few suggest 0 (nothing) to ignore each one thing (perceiving partial) to ignore everything (perceivable whole).
There's no such thing as 0 within ongoing motion; nor within perceivable sound, hence an ongoing friction; vibration as the foundation for those within to shape out of sound (music; words etc.).
Nature doesn't suggest counting, it designates oneness (whole) into ones (partial), while demanding the struggle of each partial to sustain oneself aka apartheid within wholeness.
The few suggest the inversion of that as-well...e pluribus unum (out of many; one); tikkun olam (healing the world by bringing together); united states; united nations, european union; equality (same) through diversity (difference) etc.
Consider perceivable math...addition (inception); subtraction (death); multiplication (intercourse for offspring) and division (being a divided partial within whole) over suggested math (counting upon zero)...
Sensing implies as perceiving (partial reaction) within perceivable (enacting whole)...each one (partial) senses everything (whole)..."nothing" is being suggested by others, who suggest rhetoric like "makes no sense" and "senseless" and also suggested terms like SENSA'TION, noun (Latin sensus, sentio, to perceive) to trick the perceiving to ignore perceivable (reality) for suggested (fiction).
Another suggested inversion of being the temporary partial (less) within the ongoing whole (ever) aka "evertheless".
Perceivable (inspiration) represents the prime; suggested (information) represents the sub-par.