Given the literal passing of the last of the Nazi Classics, I get the feeling that in a couple of years, after the sheeple have completely forgotten what little they ever knew of the Russo-Ukrainian War, we're going to have to endure a new Semitic agitprop campaign:
"Ukraine is full of Nazis and no one ever knew! The Jews are under threat! Send money to Israel immediately! Anyone that disagrees is a vile anti-Semite!"
I would fear that I just gave someone an idea, but I think (((they))) think about this stuff all the time.
Given the literal passing of the last of the Nazi Classics, I get the feeling that in a couple of years, after the sheeple have completely forgotten what little they ever knew of the Russo-Ukrainian War, we're going to have to endure a new Semitic agitprop campaign:
I would fear that I just gave someone an idea, but I think (((they))) think about this stuff all the time.