Note: purposely damaged . . . where a few characters where removed (obviously) from the . . phrase
All ancient Hebrew sacred texts begin with an aleph, except Genesis. Bizarre, no? What happens if we put back just that single letter? Everything changes.
The Father of the Beginnings created the Elohim, the Heavens, and the Earth.
Weirdly very similar to the "purposely damaged . . . stenography in the Epstein images hosted on the NY Times site" , where a few characters where removed (obviously) from the embedded SSH key so it couldn't be retrieved with an automated tool.
Note: purposely damaged . . . where a few characters where removed (obviously) from the . . phrase
Weirdly very similar to the "purposely damaged . . . stenography in the Epstein images hosted on the NY Times site" , where a few characters where removed (obviously) from the embedded SSH key so it couldn't be retrieved with an automated tool.
See the current thread