Don't sell them anything. Don't buy anything from them. Don't borrow money from them. Don't work for them. You've been warned. They will cheat you. It is in their nature. They have been taught to take advantage of gentiles their entire lives. They view you as a lesser human.
Dorsey added that next week he would begin handing out $1million in grants per-year for engineers developing algorithms and platforms that would make the internet a freer place, a project he called 'open internet development.'
Getting some serious Bill Gates "have vaccines, Africans, because I'm such a nice guy" vibes...
Never do business with Jews.
Don't sell them anything. Don't buy anything from them. Don't borrow money from them. Don't work for them. You've been warned. They will cheat you. It is in their nature. They have been taught to take advantage of gentiles their entire lives. They view you as a lesser human.
Imagine what's happened to reddit. The censorship is really out of control over there.
Ah so Jacks going with "Guys i was pressured into it!"
Very funny Jack, now up against the wall with the rest of them.
Getting some serious Bill Gates "have vaccines, Africans, because I'm such a nice guy" vibes...