WiFi 5GHz band works in range 5.1-5.9GHz, so should have exactly same effect.
So why 5G causes something, but somehow regular WiFi and other things that works in same 5GHz band, like FPV cameras or weather sensors and even IoT stuff is not?
That obsession with "obviously" "scary", "harmful" 5G is insane and do nothing except breaking validity of any serious questions about influence of high-frequency RF radiation we surrounded for a long time regardless of 5G availability.
Fuck, in the terms of interaction with human body that 5G is not differ from all other things that works in that bands nobody cares about.
I'm not so doomy (does such word exists?) on that.
Humans are very adaptable creatures. All that technological pollutions are far lower than human adaptation levels. And we have no any really scientific data on many things we interfere with.
All that conclusions based on some statisitical observations are interesting, but really ungrounded and, as worst thing are uncheckable. Something is changing, but there are too many factors that could be a reason for changes and problems that every speculator could choose any reason he want to make his point of view and it will be even somehow backed with that statistical data. Look, you say that it is RF, but your opponent will say it is climate change or some other shit. And both of you will not able to provide any scientific proof, i.e. reproduceable experiment that prove that it is your thing is a reason for all that bad things.
I'm not really scared of RF, especially in >GHz bands because that frequencies have too low depth of penetration due to skin effect. I more prone to bet on medications, shitty food, psychological stress from all that money-making rush, even worsening relations between people as a reason for problems, than on some tech. But my point also have no any real proofs, just like yours. Jus some assumptions and some basic knowledge counterarguments from laws of physics to simple logic.
And that fearmongering narratives like all that 5G stuff does not help to find any truth in all that mess.
Taking that article - they mention SAR (Specific Absorption Rate) of 1.15 W/kg - that means each kilogram of organism should completely absorb 1.15W of RF energy every second. Even just termal effect of such level of power absorption will give unpredictable results, not necessary connected with RF itself, but with higher temperature. It is insane level you will not meet anywhere in regular life, unless you push your head to microwave oven or will sleep in radar dish. Your WiFi access point should work at 60Watts and all that power should be absorbed by your body, so you have to sit near that thing in some box with steel walls. Things gets more insane if you go for open air conditions. RF power fall proportionally to the square of distance. So, to reach that levels there should be insanely powerful base stations with kilowatts of power on antennas. Speaking of smartphone itself, you don't have such exposure too. And human body slightly larger than mouse - RF that could reach center of rat's brain will barely penetrate your skin and scull.
Funny, but RF energy often used as a treatment for some diseases as a way to warm up human flesh around ill lungs or other organs. Frequency, of course is lower than 5GHz band to provide better penetration. (27-150MHz at up to 150W for half an our or more) IDK about US, but in USSR/Russia so named UHF-therapy (Short wave therapy) is widely used to cure inflamations of different kind, mostly in breathing system and joints. I was often cured from colds by that devices in my childhood, as millions of Soviet children and adults without any side effects and I liked that UHF treatments much more than pills or shots - just a nice warm feeling right inside your body in the treated area, like somebody somehow put a pleasant warm heater right in troubling place inside.
So, you see, unnatural RF radiation didn't kill me even at very high levels, none of those who are so obsessed today with RF radiation ever could be exposed to. And I got nothing except positive outcomes in form of fast cured illness from that.
So, I have enough reasons to be sceptical and cautious with all that RF radiation hype articles.
In any case it will be more than reasonable to question everything, even things that seems to be against narratives.
Do people in Russia have stem cell and/or planceta injections, or vitamin infusions?
One of the issues being quiety and discreetly raised in the beauty /longevity community is.... placenta and maybe stem cell treatments. Some women are concerned that the placenta may be contaminated with spike proteins or something.
Do you think the stem cell and placenta therapies will be safe from the vaccines/spike proteins? Some women are looking for bovine sources instead (always ethically sourced, of course!).
Do people in Russia have stem cell and/or planceta injections, or vitamin infusions?
We have nearly everything that exists on the West (may be except that gender-changing treatments and surgery and heavy use of sedatives for stress "treatment") plus some Soviet legacy like UHF-therapy or Ilizarov device for curing broken bones, plus some Eastern practices like needle therapy or ginseng or other herbs medications.
Do you think the stem cell and placenta therapies will be safe from the vaccines/spike proteins?
I don't know. To give an exact answer, you need reasearch which is problematic for medical scientists who are under heavy control of WHO terrorist organisation.
Theoretically, if spike protein could pass placenta barrier, and it could stick to stem cell membranes (that's any viruse spike protein primary function - to stick and penetrate into cell), than it will be definitely found along with stem cells.
WiFi 5GHz band works in range 5.1-5.9GHz, so should have exactly same effect.
So why 5G causes something, but somehow regular WiFi and other things that works in same 5GHz band, like FPV cameras or weather sensors and even IoT stuff is not?
That obsession with "obviously" "scary", "harmful" 5G is insane and do nothing except breaking validity of any serious questions about influence of high-frequency RF radiation we surrounded for a long time regardless of 5G availability.
Fuck, in the terms of interaction with human body that 5G is not differ from all other things that works in that bands nobody cares about.
I'm not so doomy (does such word exists?) on that.
Humans are very adaptable creatures. All that technological pollutions are far lower than human adaptation levels. And we have no any really scientific data on many things we interfere with.
All that conclusions based on some statisitical observations are interesting, but really ungrounded and, as worst thing are uncheckable. Something is changing, but there are too many factors that could be a reason for changes and problems that every speculator could choose any reason he want to make his point of view and it will be even somehow backed with that statistical data. Look, you say that it is RF, but your opponent will say it is climate change or some other shit. And both of you will not able to provide any scientific proof, i.e. reproduceable experiment that prove that it is your thing is a reason for all that bad things.
I'm not really scared of RF, especially in >GHz bands because that frequencies have too low depth of penetration due to skin effect. I more prone to bet on medications, shitty food, psychological stress from all that money-making rush, even worsening relations between people as a reason for problems, than on some tech. But my point also have no any real proofs, just like yours. Jus some assumptions and some basic knowledge counterarguments from laws of physics to simple logic.
And that fearmongering narratives like all that 5G stuff does not help to find any truth in all that mess.
Taking that article - they mention SAR (Specific Absorption Rate) of 1.15 W/kg - that means each kilogram of organism should completely absorb 1.15W of RF energy every second. Even just termal effect of such level of power absorption will give unpredictable results, not necessary connected with RF itself, but with higher temperature. It is insane level you will not meet anywhere in regular life, unless you push your head to microwave oven or will sleep in radar dish. Your WiFi access point should work at 60Watts and all that power should be absorbed by your body, so you have to sit near that thing in some box with steel walls. Things gets more insane if you go for open air conditions. RF power fall proportionally to the square of distance. So, to reach that levels there should be insanely powerful base stations with kilowatts of power on antennas. Speaking of smartphone itself, you don't have such exposure too. And human body slightly larger than mouse - RF that could reach center of rat's brain will barely penetrate your skin and scull.
Funny, but RF energy often used as a treatment for some diseases as a way to warm up human flesh around ill lungs or other organs. Frequency, of course is lower than 5GHz band to provide better penetration. (27-150MHz at up to 150W for half an our or more) IDK about US, but in USSR/Russia so named UHF-therapy (Short wave therapy) is widely used to cure inflamations of different kind, mostly in breathing system and joints. I was often cured from colds by that devices in my childhood, as millions of Soviet children and adults without any side effects and I liked that UHF treatments much more than pills or shots - just a nice warm feeling right inside your body in the treated area, like somebody somehow put a pleasant warm heater right in troubling place inside.
So, you see, unnatural RF radiation didn't kill me even at very high levels, none of those who are so obsessed today with RF radiation ever could be exposed to. And I got nothing except positive outcomes in form of fast cured illness from that.
So, I have enough reasons to be sceptical and cautious with all that RF radiation hype articles.
In any case it will be more than reasonable to question everything, even things that seems to be against narratives.
Do people in Russia have stem cell and/or planceta injections, or vitamin infusions?
One of the issues being quiety and discreetly raised in the beauty /longevity community is.... placenta and maybe stem cell treatments. Some women are concerned that the placenta may be contaminated with spike proteins or something.
Do you think the stem cell and placenta therapies will be safe from the vaccines/spike proteins? Some women are looking for bovine sources instead (always ethically sourced, of course!).
We have nearly everything that exists on the West (may be except that gender-changing treatments and surgery and heavy use of sedatives for stress "treatment") plus some Soviet legacy like UHF-therapy or Ilizarov device for curing broken bones, plus some Eastern practices like needle therapy or ginseng or other herbs medications.
I don't know. To give an exact answer, you need reasearch which is problematic for medical scientists who are under heavy control of WHO terrorist organisation.
Theoretically, if spike protein could pass placenta barrier, and it could stick to stem cell membranes (that's any viruse spike protein primary function - to stick and penetrate into cell), than it will be definitely found along with stem cells.