Human trafficing in ex-USSR was pretty straight-forward. Some foreigner hire young girls here promising a good job in marketing of fashion agency. After arriving in Europe, they took out girls passports for whatever reason and forced them to be prostitutes. That's all, no any complex conspiracies. In 1990s, many young girls dreamed to move to that West paradise at any cost, so there was no any problems with prey for western human traffickers.
As for pyramids and stones - that could be Ural mountains. There are a lot of legends about strange things around them. From ancient race of slavic people who live in the endless caves of Ural (they are really endless and very deep) to the launch sites of aliens. There even a series of fantasy books about misterious people with supernatural abilities (not like western superheroes, more like spiritualy empowered like Tibet monks) living deep under Ural mountains who are fighting for millenias an endless spiritual war against so called grey race who represented on Earth by jews - "Valkyria Treasuries" by Sergey Alekseev. Also, have to mention "The Mistress of Copper Mountain"/"Malahite Casket" by Pavel Bazhov - ancient legends based fairy-tales - English translated version in PDF Highly recommend, IDK, it's like a kind of stories from fantasy universe you never heard about. May be you even find some grits about reptiloids and inner Earth. :)
So, large stones, pyramids, memory holes and tons of gold/gems are relatively close to the legends about Ural mountains. It this is the case, than it is more like a positive incident.
Really never heard about that stuff.
Human trafficing in ex-USSR was pretty straight-forward. Some foreigner hire young girls here promising a good job in marketing of fashion agency. After arriving in Europe, they took out girls passports for whatever reason and forced them to be prostitutes. That's all, no any complex conspiracies. In 1990s, many young girls dreamed to move to that West paradise at any cost, so there was no any problems with prey for western human traffickers.
As for pyramids and stones - that could be Ural mountains. There are a lot of legends about strange things around them. From ancient race of slavic people who live in the endless caves of Ural (they are really endless and very deep) to the launch sites of aliens. There even a series of fantasy books about misterious people with supernatural abilities (not like western superheroes, more like spiritualy empowered like Tibet monks) living deep under Ural mountains who are fighting for millenias an endless spiritual war against so called grey race who represented on Earth by jews - "Valkyria Treasuries" by Sergey Alekseev. Also, have to mention "The Mistress of Copper Mountain"/"Malahite Casket" by Pavel Bazhov - ancient legends based fairy-tales - English translated version in PDF Highly recommend, IDK, it's like a kind of stories from fantasy universe you never heard about. May be you even find some grits about reptiloids and inner Earth. :)
So, large stones, pyramids, memory holes and tons of gold/gems are relatively close to the legends about Ural mountains. It this is the case, than it is more like a positive incident.