Identification of it doesn't change what will happen.
a) suggested IDEN'TITY, noun "sameness" ignores perceivable apartheid aka being partial (living) within whole (process of dying); hence struggling to sustain "one" self.
b) to be (life) implies within constant change (inception towards death).
c) suggested doesn't (does nothing) ignores being (growth) done by perceivable everything (loss).
d) will (want) represents the temptation to ignore way (need)...if there's a will (free will of choice) then there's a way (balance in motion aka momentum).
it can drive you
You (life) are already being driven (inception towards death).
a) nature doesn't communicate perceivable words, others suggest words to tempt one to ignore perceivable sound.
b) nature doesn't communicate perceivable numbers (plural) it generates NUM'BER, noun - "the designation of a unit" aka U'NIT, noun [Latin unus, one.] aka the whole (process of dying) generating partial reactions (living) aka from plural (whole) to singular (partial).
c) those who ignore sound and unit for words and numbers can be tricked with both spell-craft and gematria (gemara from the talmud).
a) suggested IDEN'TITY, noun "sameness" ignores perceivable apartheid aka being partial (living) within whole (process of dying); hence struggling to sustain "one" self.
b) to be (life) implies within constant change (inception towards death).
c) suggested doesn't (does nothing) ignores being (growth) done by perceivable everything (loss).
d) will (want) represents the temptation to ignore way (need)...if there's a will (free will of choice) then there's a way (balance in motion aka momentum).
You (life) are already being driven (inception towards death).
a) nature doesn't communicate perceivable words, others suggest words to tempt one to ignore perceivable sound.
b) nature doesn't communicate perceivable numbers (plural) it generates NUM'BER, noun - "the designation of a unit" aka U'NIT, noun [Latin unus, one.] aka the whole (process of dying) generating partial reactions (living) aka from plural (whole) to singular (partial).
c) those who ignore sound and unit for words and numbers can be tricked with both spell-craft and gematria (gemara from the talmud).