Lately, and especially after the heavy propaganda in the last few years and the rate at which it has exponentially increased, I had been wary of any news on TV. Sometime in the last year, one morning I was watching a news channel after just waking up for the day.
Now, anytime I've ever watched news when I'm not fully awake yet, I've been annoyed at trying to pay attention to the current segment while having the ticker at the bottom scrolling and distracting me. So, it dawned on me.
I started thinking that, although the mind is capable of multi-tasking, it's not normal to try to focus on multiple things at the same time. I decided there has to be something to that. I wanted to know who was the first to implement the news ticker, and what I found out, made me think, "no shit", because then there was no denying that the news ticker was meant to make you spread your mental resources too thin, so to speak.
So, no one news station was the first to start using the scrolling news ticker. There were 25 news stations who all first displayed this scrolling news ticker, all at the same time, and guess what day that was?
The local propaganda machine plays a hypnotic tone any time they change stories, switch reporters or come back from commercial. Get the drones salivating for more hate.
Check this out.
Lately, and especially after the heavy propaganda in the last few years and the rate at which it has exponentially increased, I had been wary of any news on TV. Sometime in the last year, one morning I was watching a news channel after just waking up for the day.
Now, anytime I've ever watched news when I'm not fully awake yet, I've been annoyed at trying to pay attention to the current segment while having the ticker at the bottom scrolling and distracting me. So, it dawned on me.
I started thinking that, although the mind is capable of multi-tasking, it's not normal to try to focus on multiple things at the same time. I decided there has to be something to that. I wanted to know who was the first to implement the news ticker, and what I found out, made me think, "no shit", because then there was no denying that the news ticker was meant to make you spread your mental resources too thin, so to speak.
So, no one news station was the first to start using the scrolling news ticker. There were 25 news stations who all first displayed this scrolling news ticker, all at the same time, and guess what day that was?
It hypnotizes though. It’s just a mind trick. Doesn’t mean we believe them but it makes it easier.
Flat earth theory nonsense:
The wood preferably used to create a Magick wand was Hollywood.
This is part of a 3 part system called “Black Magick”.
Part 1: Cell phone towers send specific brain waves that can induce anything including fear, depression, laziness or even joy.
Part 2: Hypnotic images in media like spinning circles to make People suggestible.
Part 3: Suggest idea to the audience using mass media knowing that some will take the advice.
The "joy wave switch" must be broken.
The local propaganda machine plays a hypnotic tone any time they change stories, switch reporters or come back from commercial. Get the drones salivating for more hate.
This image in the post is flat earth theory in disguise. See the hash tag in the bottom right corner.
By posting it in this context the guy is suggesting that the image or earth as a globe as a fake news.
And if it was, would you want to know it?