a) KNOWL'EDGE, noun - "perception of that which exists"...words represent suggested information; sound represents perceivable inspiration. Consenting to the former tempts one to ignore the origin of the latter.
b) the words you believe to own, are shaped out of the language suggested to you. Those who suggest languages gain ownership over those who consent to shape words within that controlled environment. Your beliefs are owned by others; to which you are contractually bound aka choice (consent to use words) to choice (suggested language) contract law.
Articulating sound (words) implies ARTIFI'CIAL, adjective - "in opposition to natural".
c) a chosen word cannot define anything; it suggests a redefined layer upon predefined inspiration aka an affixed brand upon a moving system aka an artificial representation of naturally presented aka a partially suggested explanation for a self explanatory, wholly perceivable system.
d) a reaction cannot define the source of action.
e) DEFINE, verb (Latin finis; end) - "to end, to limit"....you are still going on (living); hence limited by what gets you going (process of dying).
you didn't need to do all that.
a) nature predefines need/want (balance)...those within nature represents the choice in-between need (sustenance of life) and want (temptations luring towards death).
b) why do you use "didn't" (aka did nothing) when making suggestions about the needs of others? Why do you think that your free will of choice has the power to negate the free will of choice by others? Next...try to take step back from suggesting negation and allow yourself to question if you can negate perceivable reality?
Can your suggested "nothing" negate the perceivable; ongoing everything representing nature? In other words...can a partial within a whole negate anything of the whole?
c) ask yourself why I can draw so much inspiration perceived out of so little information suggested?
You are completely missing the point.
a) as a partial (living) within a whole (process of dying) everything represents incomplete within complete, hence the opportunity to grow within loss. Lack of self discernment represents one such aspect of incompleteness; while perceivable inspiration represents the offered completeness; ripped for the picking.
b) "missing the point" would imply that I consented to suggested points by you...where did I do that? A point represents a limit terminating a line; while being alive implies still being within the line (inception towards death); struggling to survive predefined termination.
c) to point something out (by suggestion) tempts one to ignore that this something is already being communicated by motion (towards perceiving senses). Try expressing what's going on within; instead of pointing out...find out if you will comprehend a difference in perspective.
The message
A message implies transmission from communicator (perceivable) to a receiver (perceiving), while TRANS (transmutation aka transmuted out of action) MISSION (Latin mitto; to send) implies action (process of dying) sending reaction (living); hence transmutation of reaction out of action.
Only nature communicates; while everything within nature represents the recipients (perceiving) of the only source of communication (perceivable)...suggestion represents the choice to ignore source for substitute aka natural for artificial aka reality for fiction.
The only message communicated by nature to every recipient within represents inspiration for adaptation...by simply moving them.
even a child can understand
a) a child lacks self discernment; hence hasn't developed growth of comprehension; nor resistance to temptation yet. Entrance suggested information to tempt the child to ignore perceivable inspiration aka domestication of free will of choice by others using repetitive suggested choices to tempt the child to consent to "stand under" (understanding) those who make suggestions.
This starts with suggesting the child a name (fictitious identity) and thereby a language (spell-craft) as a controlled environment for miscommunication by suggested information, defined (idolatry); redefined (revisionism) and contradicted on purpose (talmudic reasoning) by those suggesting it or through the followers of suggested orders (parents).
b) if I give a dog a name it's called domesticating; yet if I give my child a name it's called civilizing...why is that? Also; why are civilizations keep being snuffed out by an ignorant many who somehow are being domesticated by a parasitic few?
c) why is it so easy to tempt others to consent to suggested information (24/7 msm seems to be enough for most); yet inspiring others to resist the temptation of holding onto already consented to information seems to be impossible?
d) what if childhood represents the opportunity to grow discernment about free will of choice, before entering adulthood; while suggesting the child to understand by consenting to stand under what adults suggest represents the perpetuated slavery of the infant-like many under the sadistic; child-abusive few; who pretend to be the adults over them?
You don't need to pour over your etymology dictionary because the meaning is clear.
a) I try to rip etymology apart until words dissolve back into sound, and I try to rip suggested symbolism apart until only perceivable symmetry remains. The suggested dictionaries of others don't dictate me anything; because I resist the temptation to consent to the suggestions of dictators. Everyone represents a resistor within a generator; while being tempted to waste resistance upon each other...I express resistance within that temptation.
b) only comprehension represents clarity; while understanding represents ignorance. Clearing ones mind requires the struggle to let go of suggested information; while resisting the temptation to keep holding onto more and more of them.
Memory needs to be used for adaptation to perceivable inspiration (like a ram); yet wants to be misused for accumulation for suggested information (like a hard-drive). If you fill up your ram; then your processor (comprehension) can't handle input (perceivable) anymore; hence slowing you down (ignorance shaping lack of comprehension).
The words that others suggest as idols to define reality; represent your memory filled with upheld fiction aka the "ego"; which constantly tempts one to ignore adaptation to perceivable for contemplation of suggested, hence ignoring outside (reality) for inside (fiction).
Grab your son, then remember his birth...while you remember (respond to memory) you are willingly ignoring the boy in your arms, hence ignoring that which is for that which isn't anymore. You choose to uphold such memories; because you keep falling for the temptation to do so; which would require a struggle to resist. The parasitic few exploit that by suggesting the ignorant many to consent to uphold suggested information within their memories...information shaped by the suggestions of the few, while the many ignore perceivable reality for the suggested fiction within the memories.
Works like a charm and is nearly impossible to penetrate; since ignorance represents ones choice of want over need; while already consenting to the choice of those who suggest the wanted.
Man and world are fallen.
The fall (process of dying) generates the rise (living). Others curtail the rise by suggesting the fall. Also, tell a boy he's fallen and watch him stand up and rise again with a smile on his face.
Our own will and strength will never correct our fallen condition
a) free will of choice implies singular reaction (living) to plural action (process of dying). It ain't ours; it represents ones response-ability. Others suggest "our" to tempt "one" to shirk response-ability onto others; which allows the suggesting others to wield free will of choice over them.
b) strength (process of dying) generates weakness (living); while ones choice to resist weakness (temptation) increases ones strength (resistance)....a balance based system of coexisting opposites (loss/growth) as the internal/inherent power of energy.
c) fallen implies onto the ground; yet ones condition (growth within loss) allows one to both rise higher and fall deeper, because one is still falling; hence representing the temporary rise (living) within the ongoing fall (process of dying).
when it happened
a) "when" implies a measurement aka mind (ment) choosing to measure, while measuring implies the whole (perceivable) from the perspective of the partial (perceiving).
b) HAP'PEN, verb - "to come by chance" + CHANCE, noun - "the effect of an unknown cause"...being able to perceive represents the effect of perceivable aka knowledge.
c) if all represents one in energy; then the cause makes itself known through every effect within. Willing ignorance doesn't change availability of knowledge.
We weren't supposed to live this way.
a) the way (inception towards death) self differentiates from whole (oneness) into partial (ones), while each one within (life) represents the differentiated self.
Suggested "we" (plural) tempts "one" to ignore oneself (singular).
b) SUPPOSE, verb - "proposition or fact that may exist or be true"...it's the one proposing by suggestion and the one consenting to suggested, that represent perceivable existence and being able to perceive...not whatever "facts" they're suggesting to each other.
One doesn't have to suppose; one has to be within the source of existence.
c) consenting to suggested (want) over perceivable (need) implies ignoring to sustain life for the temptation luring towards death.
Aggression within transmutation isn't against the base; but among the ingredients who ignore the base solution, while spending resistance against each other, hence grinding themselves down into the base quicker.
The few suggest the many to seek salvation (aka SIEG HEIL) as to tempt them to ignore being within the solution aka within the ongoing source of healing for every temporary sickness within. The process of dying giveth to (inception) and taketh from (death) the life within.
Preservation of temporary (living) within ongoing (process dying) implies the perpetuation of one through "intercourse" with another one for offspring aka that which remains of form (life) within flow (inception towards death).
Instead of looking for saviors...preserve self by planting seeds into soil. If you still want a savior; then look into the eyes of your child until you see yourself. A child saves both parents just by being.
a) free implies within dominance
b) will (want) implies within need.
c) of implies out of, hence within.
d) choice implies within balance.
They all imply each others coexistence. The parasitic few suggest "free will" without "of choice"; because their free will of choice is used to shape the suggestion towards your free will of choice, and consenting to it implies ignoring to have a choice. In other words...free will without choice allows others to suggest choices of liberty and freedom.
so that you can accept
Hold your breath...does it matter if you accept (want) or reject (not want) breathing or will you be forced to breathe (need) anyway? Where does nature suggest you to accept or reject anything?
a) KNOWL'EDGE, noun - "perception of that which exists"...words represent suggested information; sound represents perceivable inspiration. Consenting to the former tempts one to ignore the origin of the latter.
b) the words you believe to own, are shaped out of the language suggested to you. Those who suggest languages gain ownership over those who consent to shape words within that controlled environment. Your beliefs are owned by others; to which you are contractually bound aka choice (consent to use words) to choice (suggested language) contract law.
Articulating sound (words) implies ARTIFI'CIAL, adjective - "in opposition to natural".
c) a chosen word cannot define anything; it suggests a redefined layer upon predefined inspiration aka an affixed brand upon a moving system aka an artificial representation of naturally presented aka a partially suggested explanation for a self explanatory, wholly perceivable system.
d) a reaction cannot define the source of action.
e) DEFINE, verb (Latin finis; end) - "to end, to limit"....you are still going on (living); hence limited by what gets you going (process of dying).
a) nature predefines need/want (balance)...those within nature represents the choice in-between need (sustenance of life) and want (temptations luring towards death).
b) why do you use "didn't" (aka did nothing) when making suggestions about the needs of others? Why do you think that your free will of choice has the power to negate the free will of choice by others? Next...try to take step back from suggesting negation and allow yourself to question if you can negate perceivable reality?
Can your suggested "nothing" negate the perceivable; ongoing everything representing nature? In other words...can a partial within a whole negate anything of the whole?
c) ask yourself why I can draw so much inspiration perceived out of so little information suggested?
a) as a partial (living) within a whole (process of dying) everything represents incomplete within complete, hence the opportunity to grow within loss. Lack of self discernment represents one such aspect of incompleteness; while perceivable inspiration represents the offered completeness; ripped for the picking.
b) "missing the point" would imply that I consented to suggested points by you...where did I do that? A point represents a limit terminating a line; while being alive implies still being within the line (inception towards death); struggling to survive predefined termination.
c) to point something out (by suggestion) tempts one to ignore that this something is already being communicated by motion (towards perceiving senses). Try expressing what's going on within; instead of pointing out...find out if you will comprehend a difference in perspective.
A message implies transmission from communicator (perceivable) to a receiver (perceiving), while TRANS (transmutation aka transmuted out of action) MISSION (Latin mitto; to send) implies action (process of dying) sending reaction (living); hence transmutation of reaction out of action.
Only nature communicates; while everything within nature represents the recipients (perceiving) of the only source of communication (perceivable)...suggestion represents the choice to ignore source for substitute aka natural for artificial aka reality for fiction.
The only message communicated by nature to every recipient within represents inspiration for adaptation...by simply moving them.
a) a child lacks self discernment; hence hasn't developed growth of comprehension; nor resistance to temptation yet. Entrance suggested information to tempt the child to ignore perceivable inspiration aka domestication of free will of choice by others using repetitive suggested choices to tempt the child to consent to "stand under" (understanding) those who make suggestions.
This starts with suggesting the child a name (fictitious identity) and thereby a language (spell-craft) as a controlled environment for miscommunication by suggested information, defined (idolatry); redefined (revisionism) and contradicted on purpose (talmudic reasoning) by those suggesting it or through the followers of suggested orders (parents).
b) if I give a dog a name it's called domesticating; yet if I give my child a name it's called civilizing...why is that? Also; why are civilizations keep being snuffed out by an ignorant many who somehow are being domesticated by a parasitic few?
c) why is it so easy to tempt others to consent to suggested information (24/7 msm seems to be enough for most); yet inspiring others to resist the temptation of holding onto already consented to information seems to be impossible?
d) what if childhood represents the opportunity to grow discernment about free will of choice, before entering adulthood; while suggesting the child to understand by consenting to stand under what adults suggest represents the perpetuated slavery of the infant-like many under the sadistic; child-abusive few; who pretend to be the adults over them?
a) I try to rip etymology apart until words dissolve back into sound, and I try to rip suggested symbolism apart until only perceivable symmetry remains. The suggested dictionaries of others don't dictate me anything; because I resist the temptation to consent to the suggestions of dictators. Everyone represents a resistor within a generator; while being tempted to waste resistance upon each other...I express resistance within that temptation.
b) only comprehension represents clarity; while understanding represents ignorance. Clearing ones mind requires the struggle to let go of suggested information; while resisting the temptation to keep holding onto more and more of them.
Memory needs to be used for adaptation to perceivable inspiration (like a ram); yet wants to be misused for accumulation for suggested information (like a hard-drive). If you fill up your ram; then your processor (comprehension) can't handle input (perceivable) anymore; hence slowing you down (ignorance shaping lack of comprehension).
The words that others suggest as idols to define reality; represent your memory filled with upheld fiction aka the "ego"; which constantly tempts one to ignore adaptation to perceivable for contemplation of suggested, hence ignoring outside (reality) for inside (fiction).
Grab your son, then remember his birth...while you remember (respond to memory) you are willingly ignoring the boy in your arms, hence ignoring that which is for that which isn't anymore. You choose to uphold such memories; because you keep falling for the temptation to do so; which would require a struggle to resist. The parasitic few exploit that by suggesting the ignorant many to consent to uphold suggested information within their memories...information shaped by the suggestions of the few, while the many ignore perceivable reality for the suggested fiction within the memories.
Works like a charm and is nearly impossible to penetrate; since ignorance represents ones choice of want over need; while already consenting to the choice of those who suggest the wanted.
The fall (process of dying) generates the rise (living). Others curtail the rise by suggesting the fall. Also, tell a boy he's fallen and watch him stand up and rise again with a smile on his face.
a) free will of choice implies singular reaction (living) to plural action (process of dying). It ain't ours; it represents ones response-ability. Others suggest "our" to tempt "one" to shirk response-ability onto others; which allows the suggesting others to wield free will of choice over them.
b) strength (process of dying) generates weakness (living); while ones choice to resist weakness (temptation) increases ones strength (resistance)....a balance based system of coexisting opposites (loss/growth) as the internal/inherent power of energy.
c) fallen implies onto the ground; yet ones condition (growth within loss) allows one to both rise higher and fall deeper, because one is still falling; hence representing the temporary rise (living) within the ongoing fall (process of dying).
a) "when" implies a measurement aka mind (ment) choosing to measure, while measuring implies the whole (perceivable) from the perspective of the partial (perceiving).
b) HAP'PEN, verb - "to come by chance" + CHANCE, noun - "the effect of an unknown cause"...being able to perceive represents the effect of perceivable aka knowledge.
c) if all represents one in energy; then the cause makes itself known through every effect within. Willing ignorance doesn't change availability of knowledge.
a) the way (inception towards death) self differentiates from whole (oneness) into partial (ones), while each one within (life) represents the differentiated self.
Suggested "we" (plural) tempts "one" to ignore oneself (singular).
b) SUPPOSE, verb - "proposition or fact that may exist or be true"...it's the one proposing by suggestion and the one consenting to suggested, that represent perceivable existence and being able to perceive...not whatever "facts" they're suggesting to each other.
One doesn't have to suppose; one has to be within the source of existence.
c) consenting to suggested (want) over perceivable (need) implies ignoring to sustain life for the temptation luring towards death.
Aggression within transmutation isn't against the base; but among the ingredients who ignore the base solution, while spending resistance against each other, hence grinding themselves down into the base quicker.
The few suggest the many to seek salvation (aka SIEG HEIL) as to tempt them to ignore being within the solution aka within the ongoing source of healing for every temporary sickness within. The process of dying giveth to (inception) and taketh from (death) the life within.
Preservation of temporary (living) within ongoing (process dying) implies the perpetuation of one through "intercourse" with another one for offspring aka that which remains of form (life) within flow (inception towards death).
Instead of looking for saviors...preserve self by planting seeds into soil. If you still want a savior; then look into the eyes of your child until you see yourself. A child saves both parents just by being.
a) free implies within dominance
b) will (want) implies within need.
c) of implies out of, hence within.
d) choice implies within balance.
They all imply each others coexistence. The parasitic few suggest "free will" without "of choice"; because their free will of choice is used to shape the suggestion towards your free will of choice, and consenting to it implies ignoring to have a choice. In other words...free will without choice allows others to suggest choices of liberty and freedom.
Hold your breath...does it matter if you accept (want) or reject (not want) breathing or will you be forced to breathe (need) anyway? Where does nature suggest you to accept or reject anything?