Implies electing others to define outcomes for ones choice, while putting oneself into a winning vs losing conflict of reason.
political reform
Implies response to public welfare formed by the suggestions of others; which ignores to sustain form (life) within flow (inception towards death) as self.
LEGIS (Latin lex; law) -ATION (through action) implies the enacting laws of nature, not ones reactions to the suggested laws of others.
fix the problems
a) only natural law is fixed aka the rules which define how motion operates cannot change for those within motion.
b) problem (living) needs to sustain self within solution (process of dying)...fixing problems aka affixing living implies ignorance about being within ongoing motion.
the people of the USA
a) a PEOPLE, noun [Latin populus.] - "the body of persons" implies each one person to consent to suggested collectivism, hence to the suggested catch all term "people". If one (singular) consents to suggested "we the people" (plural); then one ignores to sustain self.
b) what is one..."of" the USA or "of" the United States "of" America? How many origins can one originate off of?
c) UNITED (Latin unity; unitas; unus; one)...that implies a singular; while states contradicts it with a plural. How many states can oneness have?
d) STATE, noun - "to be fixed"...does that sound like the condition of form (life) within flow (inception toward death)?
The change has to come from with in
Through within...aka the process of dying (change) goes through those living within.
Sleight of hand: "Take me to the magic of the moment (momentum)"..."In the wind of change (motion)" (984 million views and the many still ignore it...).
internal changes
Free will of choice as the internal valve for the impressing flow of inspiration going through, and ignorance as the choice to repress expression thereof; hence internal combustion through self inflicted pressurization.
dying out
Living implies dying out; the process of dying implies generating within. Generation represents infinity; reaction represents finite...together they represent consanguinity aka linear (process of dying) propagation of collateral (living).
The fear of dying out represents ones ignorance to sustain living while within.
incapable of self rule
a) each one adapts by free will of choice to the need of breathing; drinking; eating and sheltering...ignoring the implications thereof, hence lacking self discernment; also represents free will of choice.
b) to be implies at the center of everything aka as potential within potentiality...willingly ignoring this represents self inflicted repression of potential.
c) the many choose to not want what they need to; which allows the few to manage them within want vs not want conflicts; sustained by mass ignorance of need.
being replaced
To be implies RE (response to) PLACE (being placed within) the replacement; respond to the place, and grow your roots.
one of the many reasons
a) if one reasons; then one ignores to sustain self while reasoning about suggestions from another one.
b) one (singular) or many reasons (plural)...what comes first?
LUX (light) + FERO (to bring)...origin generates light; reaction grows enlightenment (comprehension) out of it, while struggling with the temptation of darkness (ignorance).
HAVE to be taken care of
a) this (process of dying) takes care of all that (living).
b) HAVE, verb (Latin habeo) - "to possess; to hold in possession"...this (living) cannot hold that (process of dying) in possession, yet this (living) can suggest this (living) to possess each other, while being taken care of by that (process of dying).
c) one cannot have possessions within perceivable; one can be possessed by the want to hold onto suggested.
Implies electing others to define outcomes for ones choice, while putting oneself into a winning vs losing conflict of reason.
Implies response to public welfare formed by the suggestions of others; which ignores to sustain form (life) within flow (inception towards death) as self.
LEGIS (Latin lex; law) -ATION (through action) implies the enacting laws of nature, not ones reactions to the suggested laws of others.
a) only natural law is fixed aka the rules which define how motion operates cannot change for those within motion.
b) problem (living) needs to sustain self within solution (process of dying)...fixing problems aka affixing living implies ignorance about being within ongoing motion.
a) a PEOPLE, noun [Latin populus.] - "the body of persons" implies each one person to consent to suggested collectivism, hence to the suggested catch all term "people". If one (singular) consents to suggested "we the people" (plural); then one ignores to sustain self.
b) what is one..."of" the USA or "of" the United States "of" America? How many origins can one originate off of?
c) UNITED (Latin unity; unitas; unus; one)...that implies a singular; while states contradicts it with a plural. How many states can oneness have?
d) STATE, noun - "to be fixed"...does that sound like the condition of form (life) within flow (inception toward death)?
Through within...aka the process of dying (change) goes through those living within.
Sleight of hand: "Take me to the magic of the moment (momentum)"..."In the wind of change (motion)" (984 million views and the many still ignore it...).
Free will of choice as the internal valve for the impressing flow of inspiration going through, and ignorance as the choice to repress expression thereof; hence internal combustion through self inflicted pressurization.
Living implies dying out; the process of dying implies generating within. Generation represents infinity; reaction represents finite...together they represent consanguinity aka linear (process of dying) propagation of collateral (living).
The fear of dying out represents ones ignorance to sustain living while within.
a) each one adapts by free will of choice to the need of breathing; drinking; eating and sheltering...ignoring the implications thereof, hence lacking self discernment; also represents free will of choice.
b) to be implies at the center of everything aka as potential within potentiality...willingly ignoring this represents self inflicted repression of potential.
c) the many choose to not want what they need to; which allows the few to manage them within want vs not want conflicts; sustained by mass ignorance of need.
To be implies RE (response to) PLACE (being placed within) the replacement; respond to the place, and grow your roots.
a) if one reasons; then one ignores to sustain self while reasoning about suggestions from another one.
b) one (singular) or many reasons (plural)...what comes first?
LUX (light) + FERO (to bring)...origin generates light; reaction grows enlightenment (comprehension) out of it, while struggling with the temptation of darkness (ignorance).
a) this (process of dying) takes care of all that (living).
b) HAVE, verb (Latin habeo) - "to possess; to hold in possession"...this (living) cannot hold that (process of dying) in possession, yet this (living) can suggest this (living) to possess each other, while being taken care of by that (process of dying).
c) one cannot have possessions within perceivable; one can be possessed by the want to hold onto suggested.