it would have been more difficult for the government to convince people
Suggested GOVERN (to control) MENT (mind; memory) implies consent of the people to shirk control over their minds onto others...hence representative government.
Society would have been dramatically more protected from the attack
Suggested society (togetherness) represents the attack on perceivable apartheid aka being partial (living) within whole (process of dying). Suggested togetherness (collectivism) represents the ignorant many consenting to the suggestions of the parasitic few...a few sporting the brand "chosen ones", which implies one (partial) with choice (within whole).
historic failure of the music industry to protest injustice
a) consenting to suggested his-story represents the ignorance of ones narrative aka being reaction (living) within enacting (process of dying). The few tempt the many with suggested his-story to worship the lives of others, while ignoring to express and sustain their own lives.
b) suggested industrialization tempts one to ignore individual expression.
c) suggested music (artificial dissonance) tempts the instrument aka INSTRUO (prepared) MENT (mind; memory) to ignore adapting to perceivable sound (natural resonance). Ignoring natural (perceivable) for artificial (suggested) causes harm; hence the few orchestrating the many together, into a composition (collectivism), called "harmony".
d) PROTEST', verb [Latin protestor; pro and testor, to affirm it.]...whatever the many protest against affirms what the few are suggesting them. It doesn't matter if one is for (pro-choice) or against (pro-life) a suggestion (abortion)...both sides fighting each other represent the battery sustaining the power for the continuance of the suggested.
charting at #1
A chart regulates the course of ships (living) in their voyages (process of dying) who consents to suggested #1 ignores being the perceiving "one" (partial) within perceivable "oneness" (whole).
How could you be "one" if consenting to others at the top (#1)?
Suggested GOVERN (to control) MENT (mind; memory) implies consent of the people to shirk control over their minds onto others...hence representative government.
Suggested society (togetherness) represents the attack on perceivable apartheid aka being partial (living) within whole (process of dying). Suggested togetherness (collectivism) represents the ignorant many consenting to the suggestions of the parasitic few...a few sporting the brand "chosen ones", which implies one (partial) with choice (within whole).
a) consenting to suggested his-story represents the ignorance of ones narrative aka being reaction (living) within enacting (process of dying). The few tempt the many with suggested his-story to worship the lives of others, while ignoring to express and sustain their own lives.
b) suggested industrialization tempts one to ignore individual expression.
c) suggested music (artificial dissonance) tempts the instrument aka INSTRUO (prepared) MENT (mind; memory) to ignore adapting to perceivable sound (natural resonance). Ignoring natural (perceivable) for artificial (suggested) causes harm; hence the few orchestrating the many together, into a composition (collectivism), called "harmony".
d) PROTEST', verb [Latin protestor; pro and testor, to affirm it.]...whatever the many protest against affirms what the few are suggesting them. It doesn't matter if one is for (pro-choice) or against (pro-life) a suggestion (abortion)...both sides fighting each other represent the battery sustaining the power for the continuance of the suggested.
A chart regulates the course of ships (living) in their voyages (process of dying) who consents to suggested #1 ignores being the perceiving "one" (partial) within perceivable "oneness" (whole).
How could you be "one" if consenting to others at the top (#1)?