your point doesn't make sense. the q psyop was that the white hats were going to clean up the system and hand it back to us in one clean swift action with no civil unrest. we're going on 6 years and the only actions they have taken have been to hobble the faction of elites that was their competition. covid is killing us, the vaxxes are killing us, the polar magnetic excursion is killing us, the economic implosion is killing us, the lack of jobs that dont require vaccination is killing us, the government and electoral corruption is far worse than in 2018...
the q material was mostly true but we're worse off now than before our exposure to it.
I think they didn't fully understand the scope and nature of what they were up against. Nor did I. Nor, really, do I now. So I have a deep suspicion that anyone who believes they have a full understanding, and incorporates that belief into their analysis, is almost certainly someone not worth listening to.
So if it's of any worth to you, you can incorporate that into your analysis.
yes, im sure there are hidden metaphysical depths here, but most of their public-facing competition, everyone from the newsmedia talking heads to the entertainers and politicians, look physically terrified beyond the point of caring if anyone even notices...
Indeed, that demonstrates another vital aspect of the difficulty very well. How many normies do, in fact, notice what you just described? A percentage that rounds down to zero, don't you think?
Now imagine being Trump or Q or JFK Jr. or anyone else and trying to convince those people about what the real state of the world is, and what action should properly be taken in the face of that situation. Do you think just telling them straight out would be productive? Me neither.
The prospect of that alone is almost enough to make you buy in to the whole "noble lie" thing.
i don't think the q/trump/jfkjr/jfk/schlesinger/"thomas paine ur-lodge" has any interest in "exposing the truth", just winning the game against their competition
your point doesn't make sense. the q psyop was that the white hats were going to clean up the system and hand it back to us in one clean swift action with no civil unrest. we're going on 6 years and the only actions they have taken have been to hobble the faction of elites that was their competition. covid is killing us, the vaxxes are killing us, the polar magnetic excursion is killing us, the economic implosion is killing us, the lack of jobs that dont require vaccination is killing us, the government and electoral corruption is far worse than in 2018... the q material was mostly true but we're worse off now than before our exposure to it.
I think they didn't fully understand the scope and nature of what they were up against. Nor did I. Nor, really, do I now. So I have a deep suspicion that anyone who believes they have a full understanding, and incorporates that belief into their analysis, is almost certainly someone not worth listening to.
So if it's of any worth to you, you can incorporate that into your analysis.
yes, im sure there are hidden metaphysical depths here, but most of their public-facing competition, everyone from the newsmedia talking heads to the entertainers and politicians, look physically terrified beyond the point of caring if anyone even notices...
Indeed, that demonstrates another vital aspect of the difficulty very well. How many normies do, in fact, notice what you just described? A percentage that rounds down to zero, don't you think?
Now imagine being Trump or Q or JFK Jr. or anyone else and trying to convince those people about what the real state of the world is, and what action should properly be taken in the face of that situation. Do you think just telling them straight out would be productive? Me neither.
The prospect of that alone is almost enough to make you buy in to the whole "noble lie" thing.