a) PULSE (Latin pello; to drive) + BROWSE (to feed upon) tempts one to ignore being (life) driven by (inception towards death). Feeding upon that which drives (process of dying) costs resistance (living).
b) every suggested FORK, verb - "to divide into two" tempts ONE to ignore being ONE (partial within whole).
c) anyone suggesting a fork in the road (choices) tempts one at the "crossroad" to sign a pact aka choice (consent) to choice (suggestion) contract law.
Meanwhile; choice can only exist at the center of balance; hence representing balance (enacting) to choice (reaction) natural law.
d) whatever one tries to do inside a controlled environment by others; fortifies the controlled environment for others.
This (world wide web) represents the suggested prison; this (browsers) represents the cell-blocks, while this (browser fork) represents the prisoner lying under the bunk-bed, while using rolls of toilet-paper to hide from the routine inspections of the guards.
Only resisting the temptation of suggested choices represents being "free" will of choice at the center of "dom"inating balance aka free-dom of partial (perceiving) within whole (perceivable).
a) PULSE (Latin pello; to drive) + BROWSE (to feed upon) tempts one to ignore being (life) driven by (inception towards death). Feeding upon that which drives (process of dying) costs resistance (living).
b) every suggested FORK, verb - "to divide into two" tempts ONE to ignore being ONE (partial within whole).
c) anyone suggesting a fork in the road (choices) tempts one at the "crossroad" to sign a pact aka choice (consent) to choice (suggestion) contract law.
Meanwhile; choice can only exist at the center of balance; hence representing balance (enacting) to choice (reaction) natural law.
d) whatever one tries to do inside a controlled environment by others; fortifies the controlled environment for others.
This (world wide web) represents the suggested prison; this (browsers) represents the cell-blocks, while this (browser fork) represents the prisoner lying under the bunk-bed, while using rolls of toilet-paper to hide from the routine inspections of the guards.
Only resisting the temptation of suggested choices represents being "free" will of choice at the center of "dom"inating balance aka free-dom of partial (perceiving) within whole (perceivable).