Browsing beverly hills on insta.. you see some lower level where they plug a lot of the behind the scenes entertainment industry folks. Lots of gigs there.. like here.. this guy.
Like who the fuck is this.. what's the event and what.. he's on stage that Elton John was. Then some clip with him and Stevie wonder where oh you've seen the clips where he's not blind and you catch a bit of him before that swagger where he's looking around. lol.
Then I'm thinking.. there's gotta be fuckin clips out there where these assholes get busted with their shit. Whatcha got.
a) when the many consent to the suggested information of the few; this information becomes the SCENE (Latin scena) - "arbor; stage".
b) consenting to suggested (information) implies ignoring perceivable (inspiration); therefore; perceivable inspiration exists "behind the scenes" of suggested information. Ones willing ignorance represents the curtain.
c) ignoring reality (perceivable) for fiction (suggested) implies "all the world's a stage"
A slip-up aka ER'ROR, noun [Latin error from erro, to wander.] - "a wandering; deviation; excursion; irregular course" implies ones choices (irregular) within a balanced system (regular).
In this case...ones consent to ignore behind the scenes (perceivable inspiration) for the scene (suggested information) represents the slip-up. You are trying to find error within others; while ignoring that those others control you through your errors. Your error represents ignoring perceivable; their vector of control represents suggestion.