posted ago by defenderOfMontrocity ago by defenderOfMontrocity +8 / -4

Big tech is censoring you because they know people have been waking up for a while, for at least a decade. Most people don't want drone strikes anywhere, not in USA homeland not anywhere abroad. They can't afford it, country is bankrupt.

The elites need to divide you. If you are all united how would politicians get billions in corporate campaign donations. How would CIA run gain of function without you auditing them? How would pentagon have 15 trillions dollar unaccounted for.

That's why you need to be censored. Because big tech can't have you watching the video that shows the towers were dustified in 9/11(Dr Judy wood). Big tech can't have you marching for federal reserve audit. big tech can't have FBI letting everyone know who are in the Epstein Florida tapes.

Audit the federal reserve.

There are those, mostly neo-liberal debaters who claim concentration camps are unique and will only get started by somebody who threatens political opponents.

Well, explain Homan Square concentration camps then. Many neo-liberals and neo conservatives pretend to know everything and everything is figured out and there is no way for fascism or nuclear war. Then whenever you mention Homan Square concentration camp or Ghislaine Maxwell mysterious slush fund they stop pretending they are smart and just..... run away... LOL

Exactly 100 years ago Hitler was involved in multiple homicides. He was supposed to be prison for life or even get death penalty. But he got out, wasn't even in prison for a year. Why? If you ask Germans most German historians pretend that Hitler gave an insane rant in front of the judges and the judge was a white supremacist and just let Hitler go. Umm... that is close but that's not the real reason.

Things happen because of deep state and dynasty warfare.

Hitler was set free because deep state agency or Gestapo wanted him out so he can do their bidding. Germany was a democracy but democracies have deep state and the deep state can takeover at any time. You think you have power but you don't. The system has the power. That's why systemic oppression is an important issue.

Can you guarantee the blackwater mercenaries won't be president in 2024? Maybe next president will be the black ops eugenicists involved in Homan Square biological research?

Germany also had massive concentration camps in late 1800s in Tanzania where they did eugenics research. Germans were inspired by American eugenics society.

Can you guarantee that nord stream bombing won't inspire Schutzstuffel in Europe? There won't be concentration camps in 10 years? From moderate rebels to moderate Nazis

Everything is a rich man's trick. Dynasty warfare. These dynasties are obsessed with eugenics. War is a Racket. General Butler, highest awarded general in USA said he never served USA and he was almost bribed by elite dynasties who wanted to establish a dictatorship in USA because of eugenics. World wars have an eugenics angle.

Do you really think media specially mainstream media is really smart? When was the last time they invited Chomsky in television, they rarely talk in favor of Assange. They still call Assange a rapist.

Can the media recognize obvious pattern? What about corporations giving money to politicians. Is money in politics a problem? According to media it is not. Because most of the money is spent on mainstream media to fool people. So if the media can't recognize obvious problems can they recognize a concentration camp? Will they ever report on Homan Square?

What about Israel and Saudi Arabia? Israel has Gaza 'concentration camp'. If USA accuses Israel and Saudis for some nefarious things and stop aid, will Israel keep Gaza or just try to exterminate millions of people? Saudis are actively trying to genocide Yemen. Saudi Arabia can go in middle of fifth avenue and eat Yemenis. Media will remain completely silent as Saudi Prince Talal owns everything/

So in short: neo-libs, Democrats and even Republicans are trying to fool people. Independents are usually more clever. They know that concentration camps can exist without a fascist guy coming in power and threatening to send people to concentration camps.