Make voter registration database public information. You want to vote? You register with your name and address.
Every voter gets a receipt for their vote.
Every voter can query that vote database and view how their vote is recorded in teh database.
No proprietary electronic voter software systems.
Total number of ballots cast must be reported by midnight. Even if they aren't tallied. TOTAL NUMBER OF BALLOTS SUBMITTED. No ballot dumps at 6am or ballot deliveries continuing for weeks after election day. By midnight, you'll know the total number of ballots even if they haven't been tallied yet.
No drop boxes. No one may possess someone else's ballot.
No ballot may be mailed if unsolicited. No mass mailing of ballots.
Make ballot harvesting a felony.
Anyone within a voting jurisdiction who is a registered voter has standing to sue or bring legal action.
Protesting or questioning the security and validity of an election is absolutely legal and a protected civil right.
If a politician certifies an election that is later proven to be defrauded, that politician forfeits their own office and possibly faces criminal charges if they had reasonable knowledge to suspect the election was defrauded
Every two year election cycle, at least 66% of registered voters in each state must vote in the affirmative that they want to remain a member state of the union. If 1/3rd or more of a state population says fuck the union and fuck Washington DC, the state secedes by default.
Make every law have an expiration date. EVERY LAW SUNSETS unless the next band of elected jackals vote to renew it. Make them TAKE ACTION to keep laws on the books.
Some ways to actually stop the steal.
Make voter registration database public information. You want to vote? You register with your name and address.
Every voter gets a receipt for their vote.
Every voter can query that vote database and view how their vote is recorded in teh database.
No proprietary electronic voter software systems.
Total number of ballots cast must be reported by midnight. Even if they aren't tallied. TOTAL NUMBER OF BALLOTS SUBMITTED. No ballot dumps at 6am or ballot deliveries continuing for weeks after election day. By midnight, you'll know the total number of ballots even if they haven't been tallied yet.
No drop boxes. No one may possess someone else's ballot.
No ballot may be mailed if unsolicited. No mass mailing of ballots.
Make ballot harvesting a felony.
Anyone within a voting jurisdiction who is a registered voter has standing to sue or bring legal action.
Protesting or questioning the security and validity of an election is absolutely legal and a protected civil right.
If a politician certifies an election that is later proven to be defrauded, that politician forfeits their own office and possibly faces criminal charges if they had reasonable knowledge to suspect the election was defrauded
Every two year election cycle, at least 66% of registered voters in each state must vote in the affirmative that they want to remain a member state of the union. If 1/3rd or more of a state population says fuck the union and fuck Washington DC, the state secedes by default.
Make every law have an expiration date. EVERY LAW SUNSETS unless the next band of elected jackals vote to renew it. Make them TAKE ACTION to keep laws on the books.