posted ago by Vlad_The_Impaler ago by Vlad_The_Impaler +26 / -4

You have to WORK for money. Jews just get money practically FREE. They get to borrow it for an artificially, extremely low interest rate under 1%.

Why does the Federal Reserve lend money to banks? https://www.federalreserve.gov/faqs/banking_12841.htm

The rate at which jew banks who printed money lend to other Jew banks that get the money for practically free is the Federal Funds Rate https://fred.stlouisfed.org/series/FEDFUNDS

It was under 1% for most of the last 12 years and nearly zero most of those years.

That means that, in a time of much money printing and debt peddling, jews were able to steer massive amounts of money to other jews in a short time frame.

My theory is that this coalescence of power occurred with high positive correlation to the national debt. So as the national debt exploded under George W. Bush, Jews were gaining power. It exploded even more during the Obama (((Henry Kissinger))) regime. Then Zion-Don ran up the debt some more to empower Jews and Biden blows it all up with a record $16 trillion added to the M1 money supply in 2 and a half years https://fred.stlouisfed.org/series/M1 . This was all debt and money that jews could steer toward their own jew member banks and use to buy up all talent, labor, publishing, production, media, corporations and government. They were also able to harvest and collect massive amounts of data on everyone using endless amounts of fiat money. They trafficked weapons and stole USA military secrets and infiltrated every agency, university, institution with any valuable power or influence.

You and I don't get access to this capital market. If Jews print trillions of dollars or are lending out money to each other at less than 1%, you or I have to pay at least 10x that interest rate and there is always a jewish middle man in your loan somewhere. Either the bank lending to you or the other bank that is going to buy the loan from the bank lending to you. If you are a good goy and pay your taxes to jews on time and pay the interest rate on your credit cards to your jew lenders then they might give you a good credit score to loan to you at 10x the rate they lend to their jew friends. If you are a naughty goy they block you out of their fiat capital markets entirely.

Americans' materialism and false paradigm belief that these federal reserve note fiat jew bucks are worth anything has allowed them to all become slaves to people who print the money for free.

Imagine if I could hire you and get you to do my bidding, then I paid you with rocks I picked off the ground for free. And you and your goyim friends thought the rocks were worth something because the law said you and your goyim friends were not allowed to pick rocks off the ground. Only I get to.