Where I work most they're all vaccinated. Was a couple in recent years who weren't. They weren't wearing masks. They both caught the covid and tested for it.
I don't fuck around with this shit and was wearing doctor masks before the virus, just for dust in this hard labour warehouse. Got level 2 masks they keep the dust out of your nose by the end of the day. I'm not vaccinated, never caught the covid. They're catching it 3 times now. They're gradually starting to be more in rough shape too as time goes on. Missing work. I haven't missed a day since I started 4 years ago.
Researched the virus for a couple years. Lots of bookmarks from doctors advising against the covid vaccines. You get some who say bah humbug with the masks. They could be working the bad guys.
I don't know what's going on but I'm hanging loose several years to see what happens to them.
I don't get too close to people. Bike to work, even in winter. I wouldn't wanna be on a bus where if you look in, they don't wear masks any more. Somebody breathing behind you. No thanks. I wear a mask when grocery shopping. You'll see some once in a while who wear one. Those cloth masks though, forget it. You can probably lose with those.
You mentioned tests. I betcha there's shenanigans on some of those swabs. That's how it spread when people were locked down. I've never been tested.
You're talking about Sars. Before covid started, like couple years before that.. was this "viral bronchitis" going around work. They'd go to the doctor and they'd say oh you'd have to take whatever medication or it'd keep coming back. They'd catch it again even though they'd take the medication.
I haven't been to the doctor since the early 90's. I'm not on any pills. You can picture the negative side effects they spend half of US TV commercials warning you about. The pharmaceutical industry is absolutely corrupt.
Sounds like there's covid out there getting the people sick. If they're vaccinated for covid, who knows what's going on. Lots of shenanigans with nano stuff in the vaccine. If they'd do that with the vaccine, there's gotta be shenanigans with just the covid virus, right. I wouldn't wanna fuck around with either of those.
Then ya get the fuckin flu shot. Yeah let's get injected with who knows what. Meanwhile, lemme get that list of proven conspiracies that the government has been busted for over the years.
Where I work most they're all vaccinated. Was a couple in recent years who weren't. They weren't wearing masks. They both caught the covid and tested for it.
I don't fuck around with this shit and was wearing doctor masks before the virus, just for dust in this hard labour warehouse. Got level 2 masks they keep the dust out of your nose by the end of the day. I'm not vaccinated, never caught the covid. They're catching it 3 times now. They're gradually starting to be more in rough shape too as time goes on. Missing work. I haven't missed a day since I started 4 years ago.
Researched the virus for a couple years. Lots of bookmarks from doctors advising against the covid vaccines. You get some who say bah humbug with the masks. They could be working the bad guys.
I don't know what's going on but I'm hanging loose several years to see what happens to them.
I don't get too close to people. Bike to work, even in winter. I wouldn't wanna be on a bus where if you look in, they don't wear masks any more. Somebody breathing behind you. No thanks. I wear a mask when grocery shopping. You'll see some once in a while who wear one. Those cloth masks though, forget it. You can probably lose with those.
You mentioned tests. I betcha there's shenanigans on some of those swabs. That's how it spread when people were locked down. I've never been tested.
You're talking about Sars. Before covid started, like couple years before that.. was this "viral bronchitis" going around work. They'd go to the doctor and they'd say oh you'd have to take whatever medication or it'd keep coming back. They'd catch it again even though they'd take the medication.
I haven't been to the doctor since the early 90's. I'm not on any pills. You can picture the negative side effects they spend half of US TV commercials warning you about. The pharmaceutical industry is absolutely corrupt.
Sounds like there's covid out there getting the people sick. If they're vaccinated for covid, who knows what's going on. Lots of shenanigans with nano stuff in the vaccine. If they'd do that with the vaccine, there's gotta be shenanigans with just the covid virus, right. I wouldn't wanna fuck around with either of those.
Then ya get the fuckin flu shot. Yeah let's get injected with who knows what. Meanwhile, lemme get that list of proven conspiracies that the government has been busted for over the years.
Notice the section of "big pharma" involved in this. But now they're "good guys".