Are they trying to cut Earth off from the Christ spirit forever? Are they trying to go some place else? Remember the Queen is trapped. Maybe that is a good thing for them?
I don't understand what their ideology is driving them to Work on. Do they believe they can open portals and manifest an actual alien/demon?
Remember the Babylon Working.
I guess I have to do a deep dive into occult sources. Any current websites od channels you guys recommend?
Judaism. Just read the Talmud or the Shulchan Aruch.
Who do you think made Christianity up?
Or do you ignore the Judeo part of judeo-christian values?
Cognitive dissonance is a motherfucker, huh christcuck.
Bastard son of Joseph being betrayed by Juda
hsIt's a retelling of the same 12 tribes idea.
Neat, you’re done here. Fellate a shotgun, jewish shill.