i think its time to inject into the info-paradigm some new, and key, things conspiracy. and this conspiracy starts young.... right at the start of parenting, onward.
crazy stats on single-fam homes; most def jus mothers... on the teeeet of the welfare state. mothers raising chitlins w/o fathers.
indoctrination of chitlins in schools; schools of primarily women teachers.
youre allowed to call my post "shitteh." it prob is, in a sense.
but im jus sayn.
and it is truly, truly systemic. its the GOD-DAMN SYSTEM.
If children don't have a strong, good father, they won't end up good and strong. They want weak people geared towards being bad (morally), and looking for easy outs.
Don't forget circumcision too...first step for assimilating the males...childhood trauma.
And then there's programming like Disney...some would say also inflicting childhood trauma (like in Out of Shadows).