All modern religions originate from Hinduism .. What blows my mind is our Christian (Krshna / Christian) culture has allowed all this to take place. Serious questions about Christians in the USA .. The level of criminality Christians let fester at the highest levels for too long is exactly what is coming back on us NOW. Weak Sauce religion if you ask me. Christians should have risen up A LONG TIME AGO.
Anyone wondering if this shit actually originated from esoteric/occult Hinduism?
CERN has a Shiva statue on its courtyard.
All modern religions originate from Hinduism .. What blows my mind is our Christian (Krshna / Christian) culture has allowed all this to take place. Serious questions about Christians in the USA .. The level of criminality Christians let fester at the highest levels for too long is exactly what is coming back on us NOW. Weak Sauce religion if you ask me. Christians should have risen up A LONG TIME AGO.