Uranium One - not 20% of uranium reserves. It's worse.
It was a deal to hand-over 20% the USA's production capacity to Putin.
More to the point:
A deal to hand-over uranium processing technologies, to Putin.
Hillary was masterful at that - finding ways to give USA tech to other countries.
To paint a picture of deindustrialisation trend.
Those stock traiders in US think they will loose money if they allow Germany to buy cheap gas.
Highly probable, yes.
However, I'm not shure about money laundering. What is the need for those, who print money to launder them? I think it is draining official state budget for whatever purpose. Look, you are feeded with all that stories about shortages, supply chain problems, explosions on different plants and so on. That Ian hurricane, draught, heavy rains, heat waves and so on. All that shit is the things government exists to mitigate and fix with taxpayers money. So, to slip from the responsibility of fixing some bigger preplanned disaster, they have to drain state budget as much as possible, and they they will just tell everybody that they don't have money to do their job, so you have to survive by yourself if you could.
They tried to get rid of you with chemical food, drugs, non-working virus, unneeded lockdowns and masks, shitty vaccines and so on. Now they praying for WW3 or some other manufactured disaster, but in both cases they have to spend collected taxpayers money to save you. So, they need to get rid of them, to have a reason for not saving you.