They knew they could pull a scam that it wouldn't matter how stupid it was, there would always be 50% of the NPC population that will do whatever the TV tells them to, including injecting themselves with the cells of children murdered in the womb in attempts of preventing disease.
The CO2 stays in the atmosphere for like 200 years (or so they say) which is why it's a big deal to them. Water falls back to earth within a few days or weeks.
Don't confuse my comment for support for their narrative. I simply understand it well enough to know it's not this much of a strawman
Wait'll Leftists find out the oceans and rain puddles and domestic beer are made out of H2O. They also thought plants were their friends because they eat CO2 out of the air, but no, H2O comes right out of their traitorous leaves. They'll demand this toxic poison be eliminated from our communities.
It's like this guy just started to gather information? This is starter level understanding. Everyone should know this.
The warmist response is next: "As you raise CO2 you raise water vapor density" and when that happens, that is where you get global warming, from more water vapor.
But it never happened so they had to put that one down.
Just a constant stream of lies and bullshit under this fear mongering narrative.
All the data they should is corrupted and manipulated, basically like early covid practice.
"We have to ban dihydrogen monoxide!! reeeeeee!!! climote chang!!!"
-- Greta Fuckheadberg
"People tell me this shit's poisonous! I'm issuing an Executive Order banning its use in the US."
-- Brandon
"I'm banning it immediately in California because WEF."
-- Governor Shithead Newsom
Everyone with at least a shred of knowledge has known for decades that water vapor is a major greenhouse gas. This is not a secret and never has been.
What exactly is the conspiracy?
They knew they could pull a scam that it wouldn't matter how stupid it was, there would always be 50% of the NPC population that will do whatever the TV tells them to, including injecting themselves with the cells of children murdered in the womb in attempts of preventing disease.
The CO2 stays in the atmosphere for like 200 years (or so they say) which is why it's a big deal to them. Water falls back to earth within a few days or weeks.
Don't confuse my comment for support for their narrative. I simply understand it well enough to know it's not this much of a strawman
Wait'll Leftists find out the oceans and rain puddles and domestic beer are made out of H2O. They also thought plants were their friends because they eat CO2 out of the air, but no, H2O comes right out of their traitorous leaves. They'll demand this toxic poison be eliminated from our communities.
Won't someone please think of Greta Thunberg?
Fucking Liar.
Everything you said. It's completely made up.
It's like this guy just started to gather information? This is starter level understanding. Everyone should know this.
The warmist response is next: "As you raise CO2 you raise water vapor density" and when that happens, that is where you get global warming, from more water vapor.
But it never happened so they had to put that one down.
Just a constant stream of lies and bullshit under this fear mongering narrative. All the data they should is corrupted and manipulated, basically like early covid practice.
Yeah, except for the dumb fucks here who think that this is some kind of new revelation.
God, the level of ignorance here is astounding.
Yep. Now put in hydrogen fuel cells…output is H2O