I used an island I can see from my balcony, and found out it’s height (on public record). Then I used distance.to (as the crow flies) to determine the distance between where I was standing and the island. Then I used the altimeter in my phone compass app (held at eye height). Then I used about 5 different earth curve calculators, and all of them determined that, that island should be completely behind the horizon. But I can see it everyday, unless it’s raining. Then I re-did all the steps from different locations. This was after trying to debunk it, and then being on the fence for about 18 months.
I used an island I can see from my balcony, and found out it’s height (on public record). Then I used distance.to (as the crow flies) to determine the distance between where I was standing and the island. Then I used the altimeter in my phone compass app (held at eye height). Then I used about 5 different earth curve calculators, and all of them determined that, that island should be completely behind the horizon. But I can see it everyday, unless it’s raining. Then I re-did all the steps from different locations. This was after trying to debunk it, and then being on the fence for about 18 months.