A few years ago, I had to stop reading the website "Black Agenda Report: News, commentary and analysis from the black left" because the ratio of radicalism to information just got too high. But they were acutely aware that these race hustlers of the CBC are one of the worst things inflicted on blacks in contemporary America.
Here's a taste of their opinions on this "black misleadership class":
Their views diverge from the mandatory Leftist party line (since they're real Leftists), so in typical Democrat fashion they're counted as zero-fifths of a person.
A few years ago, I had to stop reading the website "Black Agenda Report: News, commentary and analysis from the black left" because the ratio of radicalism to information just got too high. But they were acutely aware that these race hustlers of the CBC are one of the worst things inflicted on blacks in contemporary America.
Here's a taste of their opinions on this "black misleadership class":
Freedom Rider: No Tears for John Lewis
Black Caucus Sells Out Its Constituents Again – to the Cops
Half of Black Caucus Signs on to Israeli Stance on Syria, in Defiance of Black Public Opinion
Their views diverge from the mandatory Leftist party line (since they're real Leftists), so in typical Democrat fashion they're counted as zero-fifths of a person.
These fucking videos…
Why? Why did it get so fucking popular to parade your soy-faced, artificial, manufactured-reactions? I hate these “videos.” They’re a scourge