There is a reason these idiots rely on scientifically illiterate arguments about pictures and horizons... it is because simply by measuring the magnetic field of the earth one can conclude the shape... but that takes more math knowledge than they possess, so they think that photon-derived measurements are the only information that can be acquired, not comprehending that there are many other ways to measure and observe things.
The answer to photo requests is to tell the wind does not exist because you can't see it and they can't provide a photo of it.
Flat earth is for flat brainers, and the agents/trolls who supply them with the stupid ideas to believe. Yes, you're right about the lack of math knowledge, but it's simpler than that.
Like processors in computers, brains come in a variety of power levels. Flatter brains are running on the equivalent of a i386 in 2022. They're already struggling with screen refresh. Any additional demands on the system cause it to freeze or shut down.
Good analogy. I say it is not just low IQ but a system corruption, like a computer virus to use your comparison, making the CPU devote resources to detrimental tasks. They have been fooled but also corrupted such that they seek to fool themselves further.
There is a reason these idiots rely on scientifically illiterate arguments about pictures and horizons... it is because simply by measuring the magnetic field of the earth one can conclude the shape... but that takes more math knowledge than they possess, so they think that photon-derived measurements are the only information that can be acquired, not comprehending that there are many other ways to measure and observe things. The answer to photo requests is to tell the wind does not exist because you can't see it and they can't provide a photo of it.
Flat earth is for flat brainers, and the agents/trolls who supply them with the stupid ideas to believe. Yes, you're right about the lack of math knowledge, but it's simpler than that.
Like processors in computers, brains come in a variety of power levels. Flatter brains are running on the equivalent of a i386 in 2022. They're already struggling with screen refresh. Any additional demands on the system cause it to freeze or shut down.
Good analogy. I say it is not just low IQ but a system corruption, like a computer virus to use your comparison, making the CPU devote resources to detrimental tasks. They have been fooled but also corrupted such that they seek to fool themselves further.