“If you are depressed, you are living in the past. If you are anxious, you are living in the future. If you are at peace, you are living in the present.”
Lao-Tzu, Chinese philosopher and writer, born 571 B.C.
“If you are depressed, you are living in the past. If you are anxious, you are living in the future. If you are at peace, you are living in the present.”
Lao-Tzu, Chinese philosopher and writer, born 571 B.C.
a) mind (Greek memory) can only exist within momentum; hence within the ever changing moment.
b) STATE, noun [Latin, to stand, to be fixed.] is being suggested to tempt one to ignore being temporary (living) within the momentum of ongoing (dying).
c) the sleight of hand for time goes "tick; tick; tick..." aka the ever changing moment (um) of motion.
d) past; present and future states are being suggested by the few to tempt the many to ignore being the reaction (choice) within the enacting momentum (balance); hence tempting them to imbalance themselves.
e) to consent to ignore that which is for that which was (past) causes the self inflicted trauma of loss.
f) to consent to ignore that which is for that isn't yet (future) causes the self inflicted trauma of hope and fear towards suggested outcomes.
g) to consent to self inflicted traumas (loss; hope; fear) causes the trauma of stress at present; while ignoring being within momentum (balance).
Those who ignore perceivable (momentum) for suggested (past; present and future) allow those making the suggestions to define; redefine and contradict the suggested at will; which allows the few to exploit the ignorance of the consenting many with suggested his-story; nostalgia (loss within past); religion (hope towards future); mainstream media (fear towards future) and calendars; time-tables; clocks etc. (stress at present).
Ask yourself if reality operates as such...impression (perceivable) towards compression (comprehension) for either expression (growth) or repression (loss)...depending on choice of adaptation.
Temporary living within the ongoing process of dying represents an expressing force (resistance) within an impressing force (velocity). Resistance (growth) requires the choice to resist temptation (loss).
The past is history, the future a mystery, the present is a gift to be enjoyed here and now.
As above, so below. As within, so without.
Ekhart Tolle's, The Power Of Now is a powerful book.
I am living both in the past and the future and I will not go back to the present. Like I can't.