I ask you to provide actual evidence and arguments, where as the Question you have posed in y̛͒͛our above title is pure conjecture. I can not take the statement "daily complaining about the mechanics of Executive Office" in reference a statement quoted in your provided image, in regards to an illegal action against a former president, as being anything beyond tangential nonsense! Yet you claim it to be proof of corporate loserhood, when Trump's biggest strength is his managerial capacities? There are no concepts in your statement I can use to gauge the statement itself upon. Or to put it more directly. You're claims are baseless.
Do ayh really need to pull up a list of the 6 bankruptcies, some 15 failed ventures than ended up in aggressive lawsuits settled,
Under the current fractional banking system, failure is the only way to be profitable. But you already knew that right? In addition, I said his strength was managerial, and not profitability.
or the dozen or so people he hired that "betrayed" him in office..
Yes. Because according to you, it is all an act, and Trump is some 5D chess master, orchestrating his own downfall while being an incompetent manager. Are you even capable of not thinking about Trump?
Per the pattern is that while all the events that we speak of daily about engineered chaos in our daily lives -- he's failed to mention, characterize, observe, or name names of anyone, that directly affects us. Instead he is releasing memos about how the president's office shd be run, whom to elect (like the McConnell one in 2018, see above), and nothing else. The pattern is of a man more playing a part of either being complicit in the theater or being a colossal idiot.
Not doing what it is that you are thinking, is not a pattern. It is just someone not doing what you expect them to do!
My claims are for those who have paid attention the entire time and can connect the theme - you choose selectively to forget that each and everything happening to him and the things he says have all been acted out before time and time again.
I'm not paying attention to Trump, nor do I care what happens to him. I am paying attention to the things happening around him, and to the results being caused.
Its all an act for your sake to follow who and how they want so you obey while believing you are being defiant.
I am not being defiant. That was ANTFIA. They were the one's being paid to destroy America. I live by my ideals, and work for a living. When I speak to people, and tell them what I believe, there is not an ounce of defiance in it, as I am simply standing up for my beliefs.
For fucks sake, he is plugging away at getting to 2024 when we just had a noticeable coup.. and every one is okay with it. He is okay with that. How can you respect that?
Because the legal processes and systems of our country depend on all the people in America cooperating in the existence of a republic. And we don't get that by rolling tanks down the streets. When the system is corrupt, it is impossible to tell who the enemy is. And the only things you can do, is live by your own ideals, fostering those ideals in others.
Now lets play a game. Walk out on your front porch, look around you, and try and figure out where the enemy is. Specifically, who they are, what crimes they have committed, and how it is that you can stop them. Then come back inside, because you look silly standing there on your porch not knowing what to do.
I ask you to provide actual evidence and arguments, where as the Question you have posed in y̛͒͛our above title is pure conjecture. I can not take the statement "daily complaining about the mechanics of Executive Office" in reference a statement quoted in your provided image, in regards to an illegal action against a former president, as being anything beyond tangential nonsense! Yet you claim it to be proof of corporate loserhood, when Trump's biggest strength is his managerial capacities? There are no concepts in your statement I can use to gauge the statement itself upon. Or to put it more directly. You're claims are baseless. ㅤ
ㅤ ㅤ
Under the current fractional banking system, failure is the only way to be profitable. But you already knew that right? In addition, I said his strength was managerial, and not profitability.
Yes. Because according to you, it is all an act, and Trump is some 5D chess master, orchestrating his own downfall while being an incompetent manager. Are you even capable of not thinking about Trump?
ㅤ ㅤ ㅤ ㅤ
Not doing what it is that you are thinking, is not a pattern. It is just someone not doing what you expect them to do!
I'm not paying attention to Trump, nor do I care what happens to him. I am paying attention to the things happening around him, and to the results being caused.
I am not being defiant. That was ANTFIA. They were the one's being paid to destroy America. I live by my ideals, and work for a living. When I speak to people, and tell them what I believe, there is not an ounce of defiance in it, as I am simply standing up for my beliefs.
Because the legal processes and systems of our country depend on all the people in America cooperating in the existence of a republic. And we don't get that by rolling tanks down the streets. When the system is corrupt, it is impossible to tell who the enemy is. And the only things you can do, is live by your own ideals, fostering those ideals in others.
Now lets play a game. Walk out on your front porch, look around you, and try and figure out where the enemy is. Specifically, who they are, what crimes they have committed, and how it is that you can stop them. Then come back inside, because you look silly standing there on your porch not knowing what to do.