Why do have to talk all weird like that? Making connections where they are unnecessary?
a) Before the suggested word exists the perceivable sound.
b) sound implies the connection between the partial (perceiving) and the whole (perceivable). Consenting to suggested words disconnects one from the perceivable sound.
c) "insane person" as suggested words tempt one to ignore "in sanus" (within sound) + "per sonos" (by sound) aka being within; by; out of and in response to the source of sound.
d) ones choice of need or want within sound represents resonance (a necessity) or dissonance (a temptation to ignore necessity).
Dude thought of himself as a shaman
Because suggesting words of perceivable sound represents spell-craft.
rock; stones
Rock and Roll; Rolling Stones...allegory for form (living) within flow (process of dying).
BEAT, verb [Latin batuo] - "to strike repeatedly" represents frequency of repetition as choice (perceiving) within balance (perceivable) or within imbalance (suggested).
POP (to enter or issue forth with a quick, sudden motion" + MUSIC (any succession of sounds so modulated as to please; tempt) aka allegory for suggested temptation.
All this stuff is connected; yet suggested as deception to tempt one to ignore growing comprehension within perceivable. The world we live in communicates itself by moving differences; which our senses perceive as inspiration for adaptation to being moved. To corrupt this process others suggest words aka brands aka idols aka suggested information; aka affixed values upon a system of moving value.
Sure I can pretend to fit into the norm (suggested rules of behavior for mass domestication); but that doesn't help anyone, and so I choose to resist the perceivable natural order instead of following suggested orders.
a) Before the suggested word exists the perceivable sound.
b) sound implies the connection between the partial (perceiving) and the whole (perceivable). Consenting to suggested words disconnects one from the perceivable sound.
c) "insane person" as suggested words tempt one to ignore "in sanus" (within sound) + "per sonos" (by sound) aka being within; by; out of and in response to the source of sound.
d) ones choice of need or want within sound represents resonance (a necessity) or dissonance (a temptation to ignore necessity).
Because suggesting words of perceivable sound represents spell-craft.
Rock and Roll; Rolling Stones...allegory for form (living) within flow (process of dying).
BEAT, verb [Latin batuo] - "to strike repeatedly" represents frequency of repetition as choice (perceiving) within balance (perceivable) or within imbalance (suggested).
POP (to enter or issue forth with a quick, sudden motion" + MUSIC (any succession of sounds so modulated as to please; tempt) aka allegory for suggested temptation.
All this stuff is connected; yet suggested as deception to tempt one to ignore growing comprehension within perceivable. The world we live in communicates itself by moving differences; which our senses perceive as inspiration for adaptation to being moved. To corrupt this process others suggest words aka brands aka idols aka suggested information; aka affixed values upon a system of moving value.
Sure I can pretend to fit into the norm (suggested rules of behavior for mass domestication); but that doesn't help anyone, and so I choose to resist the perceivable natural order instead of following suggested orders.