RE (response to) PRESENT (being) -ATION (through action) implies being representative reaction, assigned a mind (memory), to be able to handle being processed by an enacting system.
Democratic (by the people) Republic (representative for the people) represents a contradiction in self. By the people implies as the people representing the enacting system as the reacting choice. No suggested middleman can represent the response-ability of choice as the center of a balance based system.
What if "listening to; watching; seeing pols and interviews" represents consent to allow others to cultivate what they're suggesting you to look at?
RE (response to) PRESENT (being) -ATION (through action) implies being representative reaction, assigned a mind (memory), to be able to handle being processed by an enacting system.
Democratic (by the people) Republic (representative for the people) represents a contradiction in self. By the people implies as the people representing the enacting system as the reacting choice. No suggested middleman can represent the response-ability of choice as the center of a balance based system.