President Biden delivers VIRTUAL remarks to the NOBLE Conference.
That word does not mean via satellite nor recording.
Existing or resulting in essence or effect though not in actual fact, form, or name.
Existing in the mind, especially as a product of the imagination. Used in literary criticism of a text.
Created, simulated, or carried on by means of a computer or computer network.
Being potential (living) implies being within the essence of potentiality (dying) effecting one. Everything within perceivable existence represents potential (virtual).
REM'ARK, verb - "to observe; to note in the mind; to take notice of without expression"
NO'BLE, adjective - "exalted, elevated; being above"
CON'FERENCE, noun - "discourse for the purpose of instruction".
The "noble conference" represents the parasitic few discussing suggested temptations to instruct the ignorant many with..."delivering remarks" represents a contradiction in terms aka delivering without expressing.
Flow (inception towards death) presides all form (life) within. Flow to form (inception) presides form within flow (life); which presides form to flow (death). Motion presides transmutation aka self differentiation.
The parasitic few suggested presidents to tempt the ignorant many to follow suggested progressivism (following leaders); while ignoring to be the resistance (living) within origin (dying).