This could be the leg that brings the whole table down boys, all the evidence is out there and we gotta push this shit. They have been killing us for over 100 years with toxic vaccines and environmental toxins.
They make us sick, they lie to us about the science, they ban any natural treatments forcing us to turn to them, then they make us pay while they play medical pharmakeia
we've been fighting this battle the wrong way. forget trying to wake people up about covid or monkeypox, go for the throat by tearing down the whole viral theory.
the evidence is out there. if your on the fence just take a couple hours and check it out. If this info got out it could be the one thing that changes the path were all headed.
it single handedly ends the whole lockdown, mask and mandate convo. boom all thats gone. And to top it off the domino effect of something like this coming to light would be immense. People are gonna want justice, they're gonna want to know what actually is making us sick.
Poornima Wagh PhD -
Dr. Tom Cowan and virologist Stefan Lanka -
My mother died from aids. I was around 8 when she told me and made me and my siblings promise not to tell anyone because it was a small town and she worried people would treat us like we had aids. This was the early 90's.
I can promise you, I kissed my mother several times and Ive been tested twice. I never ended up with it. Ill never forget the time near the end when she had a port put in her chest for what was probably dr fauci's experimental aids medicine. One time when I was helping her and we took the top off, blood just started spraying out of her. Scared the piss out of my mom(worried about me having a cut or scab) but it barely phased me.
I know the last time I went to get an aids tests about 10 years ago in the states. the Doctor did ask me the strangest question.
He asked me if I was born when my mother had aids. What prompted him to ask this question, I guess ill never know.