As the living within the process of dying...dying is impressing upon the living; who needs to compress and express it to sustain self. Ignoring this causes repression; which allows others to depress one.
In other words...the cause of depression represents ones ignorance of cause (perception) for effect (suggestion).
widespread use of potent drugs
The parasitic few suggest crude oil based barbiturates (pharmaceuticals) to the ignorant many, as to keep them distracted from the cause of illness...their ignorance of perceivable (needed to sustain life) for suggested (temptation luring towards death).
to treat....imbalance
Mind exists within a balance based system; hence TREAT (to handle a subject) MENT (mind; memory) implying the status quo for everyone with a mind being subjected to an enacting system.
As free will of choice; one exists at the center of a perceivable, balance based system aka the momentum of motion. Others use suggestion to tempt choice to ignore balance; which in return causes imbalance for those consenting by choice to suggestions by the choice of others.
As the living within the process of dying...dying is impressing upon the living; who needs to compress and express it to sustain self. Ignoring this causes repression; which allows others to depress one.
In other words...the cause of depression represents ones ignorance of cause (perception) for effect (suggestion).
The parasitic few suggest crude oil based barbiturates (pharmaceuticals) to the ignorant many, as to keep them distracted from the cause of illness...their ignorance of perceivable (needed to sustain life) for suggested (temptation luring towards death).
Mind exists within a balance based system; hence TREAT (to handle a subject) MENT (mind; memory) implying the status quo for everyone with a mind being subjected to an enacting system.
As free will of choice; one exists at the center of a perceivable, balance based system aka the momentum of motion. Others use suggestion to tempt choice to ignore balance; which in return causes imbalance for those consenting by choice to suggestions by the choice of others.