posted ago by LightBringerFlex ago by LightBringerFlex +13 / -1
  1. This shouldn't even be called Feminism. It should be called Masculanism because Feminists in the Deep State are teaching women and being a woman is bad and being a man is good. They are manipulating them, on one hand, by claiming men are more attractive but they don't say that men don't like men. Straight men (95% of all men) like women.

  2. Men are 1 energy. Women are a 2nd energy. When they combine, a 3rd, more powerful energy is made.

  3. Men are supposed to protect and serve (which is why men defend the house and go to work more often). Women are supposed to Inspire and Lead. Women have done this from the home where they inspire men with wonderful meals, kind words, ect... and often come up with strategic plans to improve the family and household.

  4. Women were at home training and inspiring their children without having to work a normal job. Their job was to simply build up their own household. Rockefeller claims they were slaved to their own household and that they should be slaves at his Corporations instead. This led women to becoming slaves of Rockafellers corporations so Rockafeller now had double the slaves for double the price. Since he had so many slaves (high supply), demand was low so the price of the slaves dropped by half. Now both the parents were working for the same paycheck the Father was making.

  5. Without the mother being home, the children grow up without an example which harms their future.

  6. The daycares and public schools are being used as babysitter centers but they are run by the Deep State who use that time to destroy the children's minds.

  7. The Deep State manipulated feminists that they don't have to be helpful to the family (ie cooking, cleaning) and that it would be better if they didn't cook or clean and just complained that their husband, who work 8 hours a day, should do it all or at least split it with her. If both parents are working, it is fair to split it. Also, the feminists are brainwashed that they don't have to be women but the men still have to be chivalrous men and work and pay the bills plus do some of the women's traditional choires. In truth, there is no difference between jobs. If a job is necessary, it's necessary whether it's fixing a leak or cooking a steak. There are not jobs that are superior or inferior to each other. What is needed is what is needed and the family team has to tackle it.

  8. Now we have women coming up exhausted from their corporate slave jobs. They are often miserable and wish they didn't have to work. Even their husbands wish they didn't have to work so they can stay home in a safe environment and look after the family household and children.

  9. Even if there are women who insist on Corporate slavery, they should tell their husbands to stay home, watch the kids and take care of the household. Someone really needs to fill that job for a household to be healthy but they may claim "but that isn't manly". Ok, if it's not manly, then let the man do what's manly and the women take care of the family. Of course, we have to rework the economy to bring this back to reality first. Families need to afford 1 parent staying at home.

  10. The deep state has been slowly manipulating women to look rough like men so they cut their hair short, get aggressive tattoos all over their body, ect... which most men don't like so they end up being single because nobody wants them. This is a divide and conquer strategy.

They also have psyops to feminize men but those are more new and can be discussed in another post.