Those who suggest you "bot" also suggest you "Hunter Biden". Using suggested tools against each other doesn't get you out from under those who are making the suggestions (fiction) to keep you ignoring perception (reality).
What do you perceive about bots or bidens that others haven't suggested you to regurgitate?
BOT; ROBOT; noun ([from Latin roboro, from robur, strength.] + BI'DENS, noun - "a plant from the genus of the aster family; asteraceae". Also; BI (two) DENS (tooth).
Those who suggest you "bot" also suggest you "Hunter Biden". Using suggested tools against each other doesn't get you out from under those who are making the suggestions (fiction) to keep you ignoring perception (reality).
What do you perceive about bots or bidens that others haven't suggested you to regurgitate?
BOT; ROBOT; noun ([from Latin roboro, from robur, strength.] + BI'DENS, noun - "a plant from the genus of the aster family; asteraceae". Also; BI (two) DENS (tooth).