a) have you been calling out the medical industry for their involvement during the corona deception? If so; why keep using their terminology (autism) to pass judgement upon others?
b) AUT (author; from augeo; to increase) -ISM (submission to suggested information). What does submission to the suggestions of others increase but their power over you?
c) is there a correlation between religious confessions; medical diagnoses; suggested -isms used as a rhetorical umbrella to blame others and blackmail?
How could one be LEVEL(even; not waving) if being alive implies growth and loss in coexistence with each other?
a) 1 (one thing) represents a perceivable state aka every perceivable difference represents a different one. How could you perceive 0 (no thing)...was it suggested to you?
b) 1000/10 implies more than whole, so you ignore everything perceivable for more than could be; while simultaneously suggest nothing (0) in combination with each (1) one thing perceivable.
c) if others grow themselves, and you acknowledge it by judging them as more than could be; then why utilize the autism accusation (implying medical treatment for sickness) instead of getting inspired by perceivable growth?
In short...why try to tear others down instead of building yourself up?
a) have you been calling out the medical industry for their involvement during the corona deception? If so; why keep using their terminology (autism) to pass judgement upon others?
b) AUT (author; from augeo; to increase) -ISM (submission to suggested information). What does submission to the suggestions of others increase but their power over you?
c) is there a correlation between religious confessions; medical diagnoses; suggested -isms used as a rhetorical umbrella to blame others and blackmail?
How could one be LEVEL(even; not waving) if being alive implies growth and loss in coexistence with each other?
a) 1 (one thing) represents a perceivable state aka every perceivable difference represents a different one. How could you perceive 0 (no thing)...was it suggested to you?
b) 1000/10 implies more than whole, so you ignore everything perceivable for more than could be; while simultaneously suggest nothing (0) in combination with each (1) one thing perceivable.
c) if others grow themselves, and you acknowledge it by judging them as more than could be; then why utilize the autism accusation (implying medical treatment for sickness) instead of getting inspired by perceivable growth?
In short...why try to tear others down instead of building yourself up?