GAY, adjective - "merry; airy; jovial; sportive; frolicksome. It denotes more life and animation than cheerful" + A'LIEN, adjective [Latin alienus, from alius, another.]
...for suggested GAY (sodomites) ALIEN (grey men; UFO; outer space; anal probes; abduction; extra terrestrial etc.); then one fell for revisionism suggested by others.
To consent to any suggested -ism also represents consenting to RELIGION; noun (Latin religo) - "to bind anew"; hence being bound by choice (consent) to choice (suggestion) contract law; while ignoring perceivable (balance) to perceiving (choice) natural law.
In short...if you find yourself reasoning over the suggested meaning of gay and alien; you're are within a gay alien religion. It doesn't matter which side within reasoning you choose...want (pro gay alien religion) vs not want (anti gay alien religion), since both sides are reasoning against each other about a suggestion from a 3rd party they already consented to.
KRONOS (Greek) - "leader of the first generation of titans" aka Growth (titan) within Generation (living within the process of dying); hence being the ONE (first) being led (leader) towards death; which implies the need to resist (growth) temptation (loss).
a) DEFINITE (having certain limits) -TION (through action). Every one (perceiving) represents a reaction (choice) to an enacting (perceivable) system. Reaction cannot define enacting; only respond to predefined input.
b) true (want) vs false (not want) tempts to ignore adaptation to constant change (need).
c) nature doesn't offer you true or false information; it offers constantly changing inspiration towards your perceiving senses.
d) before the suggested word (information) comes the perceivable sound (inspiration).
In are reasoning (want vs not want aka true vs false) about suggested information by others; information you consented (believe) to use; hence being bound anew (religio) to the will of those making the suggestions.
Religion is something you believe on faith (without having proof).
a) being alive implies being moved from inception towards death...neither of which can be perceived by the one being alive; yet believing; having faith in the implication of inception and death isn't required; since the perceivable consequences of the ongoing system, not only causes the inception and death of others; but also allows the growth of ones comprehension about the source of all perceivable.
b) PROOF,noun - "firmness or hardness that resists impression" aka impression (perceivable) towards compression (comprehension) for either expression (growth) of repression (loss). Temporary living within the ongoing process of dying implies resistance (living) within velocity (dying).
There's no such thing as without proof within a moving system, since motion causes momentum (balance) which "forms" choice at its center.
Of course it always occurs by consent.
Being moved from inception towards death implies being "within course" aka within an "always occurring" motion, which "sents" input (perceivable inspiration) towards everyone (perceiving senses) within itself.
Nature does not requires consent (agreement among minds); since it represents the impressing power towards the resisting power demanded to respond to it (by breathing for example).
The parasitic few tempt the many who ignore this into the agreement (want) vs disagreement (not want) conflict of reason; caused by choice (consent) to choice (suggestion) contract law.
Those who have faith; believe in "in nomine patris et filii et spiritus sancti" are tempted to ignore "in nomine" (in the name of) aka those who make the suggestion (patris et filii et spiritus sancti) towards all who consent to it. That represents willing submission of choice to choice of others; which those who consent will then view as believing or having faith in whatever is being suggested. And what is it that others are suggesting? Authority above self; hence tempting those who are consenting to keep ignoring the free will of choice used to consent (their sole authority over self).
people who claim...
...ignore being temporary (living) within ongoing (dying); hence unable to hold onto anything. Any claim thereof has to be suggested (fiction); which tempts those consenting to ignore perceivable (reality).
I can claim anything; because I wield the free will of choice to do so; yet only your consent (by your free will of choice) evaluates my claims over you. Neither of us can own whatever we claim or consent others to be able to claim; yet ignorance is bliss and so we can pretend till death that live can claim.
BY CONSENT refuse to acknowledge
a) KNOWL'EDGE, noun - "perception of that which exists" aka perceivable inspiration. Acknowledgement implies as perceiving mind in adaptation to perceivable source of knowledge; not by consenting to understand (stand under) the suggested information by others.
b) nature (enacting) doesn't require consent; it demands adaptation (reacting) to incoming. Take for example the need to adapt to hunger; while resisting the want to be tempted by appetite. Others can exploit those who ignore need for want by suggesting taste as to tempt appetite, and if once consents to want or not want suggested taste; one causes the conflict of reason aka wanting versus not wanting suggested taste; while both sides are ignoring need (hunger) for want (appetite).
c) RE (response to) FUSE (melt; liquefy; render fluid; dissolve). This tempts one to ignore that as form (life) within flow (inception towards death) one needs to resist being dissolved. The few suggest the many that refuse represents disagreement aka denial; yet try denying breathing; drinking; eating; sheltering...tell me how far that would get you?
you are following a religion if you don't believe in aliens, and you are following a religion if you do.
That represents wanting (believe in aliens) vs not wanting (not believe in aliens) a suggestion; while ignoring the need to adapt to perceivable, such as that living within the process of dying tempts one to "follow"; while ignoring to resist being moved towards death. One is being tempted by the suggestions of others to follow orders; while ignoring to be the temporary resistance (living) within the natural order (dying).
The parasitic few suggest the many to seek order out of chaos; which represents the inversion of being temporary chaos (living) within the perceivable; ongoing natural order (dying); hence the struggle to sustain self.
To follow implies the suggested orders of others while ignoring to resist the perceivable order. Life doesn't have to follow anything; it has to grow resistance while being moved towards death to the suggested temptation of others who tempt to follow.
All I know is that aliens (ie beings you cannot see) do exist
a) "all I know" ignores being ONE (perceiving) within ALL (perceivable); hence being offered everything as perceivable; yet never being able to comprehend it all. Why? Because ONE represents temporary (living); while ALL represents ongoing (dying)...the temporary "cannot" exhaust the ongoing from within; only grow within loss
b) "cannot" aka can nothing ignores being one thing within perceivable everything. Nothing cannot be perceived; hence it being suggested by others as the inversion of everything perceivable.
c) aliens one cannot see represents others (alius) that aren't in ones field of view. Let's add SPACE, noun [Latin spatior, to wander] we have others wandering around aka "space aliens". How about "ET" next? EXTRA (beyond) TERRA (earth; form)...any form outside your form represents form beyond form. ALF aka Alien Life Form? Simply another life form. UFO aka Unidentified Flying Object? Well; besides most insects being mum about disclosing their identities while flying around; since all living represents the "subject" within the "objectifying" process of dying...the flying object stays unidentified to the formed subjects within. Dark Side of the Moon? Nope; not interested in sodomy and neither in suggested wars (Mars) and don't even suggest Uranus.
a debate
Reasoning (want vs not want) cannot be won; since only the ones suggesting what others are reasoning about can define (idolatry); redefine (revisionism) and contradict (talmudic reasoning) the suggested meaning for all those consenting to want or not want it. Reason represents a mental hamster-wheel; which others perpetuate through endless suggested information to reason over, all to keep you from adapting and comprehending perceivable inspiration.
There's no debate over incoming motion; just the choice to grow life within the process of dying or lose it.
pro vs anti
PRO (forwards) implies flow (inception towards death); ANTI (against; opposite) within PRO (forwards) implies resistance (living) in coexistence with velocity (dying). Living doesn't represent against dying; but growing life while dying. The versus represents the want vs not want conflict among the living; causes by ignoring perceivable inspiration to resist for suggested information to follow.
secret government
GOVERN (to control) MENT (from mens; mind; memory)...choice in-between perceivable inspiration (need) and suggested information (want) controls what goes through (inspiration) or into (information) memory. The conscious memory needs to be used like a ram (adaptation to ongoing inspiration); yet is being tempted to want to misused like a hard-drive (accumulation of affixed information). Others obtain the power to control your mind (government) if you consent to fill your memory with their suggested information.
As for secret...only consent to want suggested information gives others the power to withhold the information you want; hence being able keep it a secret from you. Example: if you consent to me suggesting "I have a box"; then I gain the power to keep secret whatever is or isn't in the box. Every word I suggest you to put into your memory represents such a box that can be filled with any information. The few can shape within the memories of the consenting many by simply suggesting them fictitious meaning (words) over perceivable meaning (sound). That represents spell-craft.
Why have one (secret government)...
How could it be secret if you knew they have it? Who are "they" that govern your mind, and what do you do to grow control over your own mind; while resisting the temptation of what others are suggesting you to put into it?
The founders
Does the offspring represent a "founder" of the mother? Was the mother lost before the offspring found it?
All investigations of religion must be public
If religio (to bind anew) represents choice (consent) to choice (suggestion) contract law; then you (the one consenting) are trying to investigate (from within) a contract (religion) defined by those defining it by suggestion from outside. Making religion public represents inviting others in; so that they can ignore collectively from within; what an individual defines from outside.
It's like going on the internet to investigate DARPA or using money to take down the usury cartel suggesting it. In other words...the many cannot reason themselves out of suggested information; when the few suggesting it are comprehending perceived inspiration. The many are operating within a layer of ignorance; while the few are utilizing suggestions to keep them ignorant.
The government cannot sit in a cave...
The few suggest information and the many put themselves into the allegory of the cave by consenting to reason about the suggested information; while ignoring perceivable inspiration.
The government you view on screen isn't the government; your consent to those suggesting you to look at the screen represents the government; while everything on the screen represents the sales-pitch for your consent and the justification (mostly by blaming others) for keep looking at the screen.
Whenever one consents to the suggested information on the fictitious screen; one is tempted to ignore adapting to perceivable inspiration within everything.
a) have you been calling out the medical industry for their involvement during the corona deception? If so; why keep using their terminology (autism) to pass judgement upon others?
b) AUT (author; from augeo; to increase) -ISM (submission to suggested information). What does submission to the suggestions of others increase but their power over you?
c) is there a correlation between religious confessions; medical diagnoses; suggested -isms used as a rhetorical umbrella to blame others and blackmail?
How could one be LEVEL(even; not waving) if being alive implies growth and loss in coexistence with each other?
a) 1 (one thing) represents a perceivable state aka every perceivable difference represents a different one. How could you perceive 0 (no thing)...was it suggested to you?
b) 1000/10 implies more than whole, so you ignore everything perceivable for more than could be; while simultaneously suggest nothing (0) in combination with each (1) one thing perceivable.
c) if others grow themselves, and you acknowledge it by judging them as more than could be; then why utilize the autism accusation (implying medical treatment for sickness) instead of getting inspired by perceivable growth?
In short...why try to tear others down instead of building yourself up?
If one consents to ignore suggested...
...for suggested GAY (sodomites) ALIEN (grey men; UFO; outer space; anal probes; abduction; extra terrestrial etc.); then one fell for revisionism suggested by others.
To consent to any suggested -ism also represents consenting to RELIGION; noun (Latin religo) - "to bind anew"; hence being bound by choice (consent) to choice (suggestion) contract law; while ignoring perceivable (balance) to perceiving (choice) natural law.
In short...if you find yourself reasoning over the suggested meaning of gay and alien; you're are within a gay alien religion. It doesn't matter which side within reasoning you choose...want (pro gay alien religion) vs not want (anti gay alien religion), since both sides are reasoning against each other about a suggestion from a 3rd party they already consented to.
KRONOS (Greek) - "leader of the first generation of titans" aka Growth (titan) within Generation (living within the process of dying); hence being the ONE (first) being led (leader) towards death; which implies the need to resist (growth) temptation (loss).
God is an alien.
You're an atheist? You don't believe believe in God? But God is an alien, and you believe in those. *head explodes
a) DEFINITE (having certain limits) -TION (through action). Every one (perceiving) represents a reaction (choice) to an enacting (perceivable) system. Reaction cannot define enacting; only respond to predefined input.
b) true (want) vs false (not want) tempts to ignore adaptation to constant change (need).
c) nature doesn't offer you true or false information; it offers constantly changing inspiration towards your perceiving senses.
d) before the suggested word (information) comes the perceivable sound (inspiration).
In are reasoning (want vs not want aka true vs false) about suggested information by others; information you consented (believe) to use; hence being bound anew (religio) to the will of those making the suggestions.
a) being alive implies being moved from inception towards death...neither of which can be perceived by the one being alive; yet believing; having faith in the implication of inception and death isn't required; since the perceivable consequences of the ongoing system, not only causes the inception and death of others; but also allows the growth of ones comprehension about the source of all perceivable.
b) PROOF,noun - "firmness or hardness that resists impression" aka impression (perceivable) towards compression (comprehension) for either expression (growth) of repression (loss). Temporary living within the ongoing process of dying implies resistance (living) within velocity (dying).
There's no such thing as without proof within a moving system, since motion causes momentum (balance) which "forms" choice at its center.
Being moved from inception towards death implies being "within course" aka within an "always occurring" motion, which "sents" input (perceivable inspiration) towards everyone (perceiving senses) within itself.
Nature does not requires consent (agreement among minds); since it represents the impressing power towards the resisting power demanded to respond to it (by breathing for example).
The parasitic few tempt the many who ignore this into the agreement (want) vs disagreement (not want) conflict of reason; caused by choice (consent) to choice (suggestion) contract law.
Those who have faith; believe in "in nomine patris et filii et spiritus sancti" are tempted to ignore "in nomine" (in the name of) aka those who make the suggestion (patris et filii et spiritus sancti) towards all who consent to it. That represents willing submission of choice to choice of others; which those who consent will then view as believing or having faith in whatever is being suggested. And what is it that others are suggesting? Authority above self; hence tempting those who are consenting to keep ignoring the free will of choice used to consent (their sole authority over self).
...ignore being temporary (living) within ongoing (dying); hence unable to hold onto anything. Any claim thereof has to be suggested (fiction); which tempts those consenting to ignore perceivable (reality).
I can claim anything; because I wield the free will of choice to do so; yet only your consent (by your free will of choice) evaluates my claims over you. Neither of us can own whatever we claim or consent others to be able to claim; yet ignorance is bliss and so we can pretend till death that live can claim.
a) KNOWL'EDGE, noun - "perception of that which exists" aka perceivable inspiration. Acknowledgement implies as perceiving mind in adaptation to perceivable source of knowledge; not by consenting to understand (stand under) the suggested information by others.
b) nature (enacting) doesn't require consent; it demands adaptation (reacting) to incoming. Take for example the need to adapt to hunger; while resisting the want to be tempted by appetite. Others can exploit those who ignore need for want by suggesting taste as to tempt appetite, and if once consents to want or not want suggested taste; one causes the conflict of reason aka wanting versus not wanting suggested taste; while both sides are ignoring need (hunger) for want (appetite).
c) RE (response to) FUSE (melt; liquefy; render fluid; dissolve). This tempts one to ignore that as form (life) within flow (inception towards death) one needs to resist being dissolved. The few suggest the many that refuse represents disagreement aka denial; yet try denying breathing; drinking; eating; sheltering...tell me how far that would get you?
That represents wanting (believe in aliens) vs not wanting (not believe in aliens) a suggestion; while ignoring the need to adapt to perceivable, such as that living within the process of dying tempts one to "follow"; while ignoring to resist being moved towards death. One is being tempted by the suggestions of others to follow orders; while ignoring to be the temporary resistance (living) within the natural order (dying).
The parasitic few suggest the many to seek order out of chaos; which represents the inversion of being temporary chaos (living) within the perceivable; ongoing natural order (dying); hence the struggle to sustain self.
To follow implies the suggested orders of others while ignoring to resist the perceivable order. Life doesn't have to follow anything; it has to grow resistance while being moved towards death to the suggested temptation of others who tempt to follow.
a) "all I know" ignores being ONE (perceiving) within ALL (perceivable); hence being offered everything as perceivable; yet never being able to comprehend it all. Why? Because ONE represents temporary (living); while ALL represents ongoing (dying)...the temporary "cannot" exhaust the ongoing from within; only grow within loss
b) "cannot" aka can nothing ignores being one thing within perceivable everything. Nothing cannot be perceived; hence it being suggested by others as the inversion of everything perceivable.
c) aliens one cannot see represents others (alius) that aren't in ones field of view. Let's add SPACE, noun [Latin spatior, to wander] we have others wandering around aka "space aliens". How about "ET" next? EXTRA (beyond) TERRA (earth; form)...any form outside your form represents form beyond form. ALF aka Alien Life Form? Simply another life form. UFO aka Unidentified Flying Object? Well; besides most insects being mum about disclosing their identities while flying around; since all living represents the "subject" within the "objectifying" process of dying...the flying object stays unidentified to the formed subjects within. Dark Side of the Moon? Nope; not interested in sodomy and neither in suggested wars (Mars) and don't even suggest Uranus.
Reasoning (want vs not want) cannot be won; since only the ones suggesting what others are reasoning about can define (idolatry); redefine (revisionism) and contradict (talmudic reasoning) the suggested meaning for all those consenting to want or not want it. Reason represents a mental hamster-wheel; which others perpetuate through endless suggested information to reason over, all to keep you from adapting and comprehending perceivable inspiration.
There's no debate over incoming motion; just the choice to grow life within the process of dying or lose it.
PRO (forwards) implies flow (inception towards death); ANTI (against; opposite) within PRO (forwards) implies resistance (living) in coexistence with velocity (dying). Living doesn't represent against dying; but growing life while dying. The versus represents the want vs not want conflict among the living; causes by ignoring perceivable inspiration to resist for suggested information to follow.
GOVERN (to control) MENT (from mens; mind; memory)...choice in-between perceivable inspiration (need) and suggested information (want) controls what goes through (inspiration) or into (information) memory. The conscious memory needs to be used like a ram (adaptation to ongoing inspiration); yet is being tempted to want to misused like a hard-drive (accumulation of affixed information). Others obtain the power to control your mind (government) if you consent to fill your memory with their suggested information.
As for secret...only consent to want suggested information gives others the power to withhold the information you want; hence being able keep it a secret from you. Example: if you consent to me suggesting "I have a box"; then I gain the power to keep secret whatever is or isn't in the box. Every word I suggest you to put into your memory represents such a box that can be filled with any information. The few can shape within the memories of the consenting many by simply suggesting them fictitious meaning (words) over perceivable meaning (sound). That represents spell-craft.
How could it be secret if you knew they have it? Who are "they" that govern your mind, and what do you do to grow control over your own mind; while resisting the temptation of what others are suggesting you to put into it?
Does the offspring represent a "founder" of the mother? Was the mother lost before the offspring found it?
If religio (to bind anew) represents choice (consent) to choice (suggestion) contract law; then you (the one consenting) are trying to investigate (from within) a contract (religion) defined by those defining it by suggestion from outside. Making religion public represents inviting others in; so that they can ignore collectively from within; what an individual defines from outside.
It's like going on the internet to investigate DARPA or using money to take down the usury cartel suggesting it. In other words...the many cannot reason themselves out of suggested information; when the few suggesting it are comprehending perceived inspiration. The many are operating within a layer of ignorance; while the few are utilizing suggestions to keep them ignorant.
The few suggest information and the many put themselves into the allegory of the cave by consenting to reason about the suggested information; while ignoring perceivable inspiration.
The government you view on screen isn't the government; your consent to those suggesting you to look at the screen represents the government; while everything on the screen represents the sales-pitch for your consent and the justification (mostly by blaming others) for keep looking at the screen.
Whenever one consents to the suggested information on the fictitious screen; one is tempted to ignore adapting to perceivable inspiration within everything.
a) have you been calling out the medical industry for their involvement during the corona deception? If so; why keep using their terminology (autism) to pass judgement upon others?
b) AUT (author; from augeo; to increase) -ISM (submission to suggested information). What does submission to the suggestions of others increase but their power over you?
c) is there a correlation between religious confessions; medical diagnoses; suggested -isms used as a rhetorical umbrella to blame others and blackmail?
How could one be LEVEL(even; not waving) if being alive implies growth and loss in coexistence with each other?
a) 1 (one thing) represents a perceivable state aka every perceivable difference represents a different one. How could you perceive 0 (no thing)...was it suggested to you?
b) 1000/10 implies more than whole, so you ignore everything perceivable for more than could be; while simultaneously suggest nothing (0) in combination with each (1) one thing perceivable.
c) if others grow themselves, and you acknowledge it by judging them as more than could be; then why utilize the autism accusation (implying medical treatment for sickness) instead of getting inspired by perceivable growth?
In short...why try to tear others down instead of building yourself up?
Give A Mel Brooks; get a Mel Brooks...