What if living represents temporary chaos within the ongoing natural order of dying; hence the struggle to stay alive?
What if creationism (out of nothing) is suggested to tempt others to ignore perceivable transmutation (out of everything); hence transmutation of ingredient "living" out of base "dying"?
responsible for their actions
How does one respond? By choice, which makes choice a reaction to enacted. How could choice "act" when it (living) reacts to being directed (dying)?
What if living represents temporary chaos within the ongoing natural order of dying; hence the struggle to stay alive?
What if creationism (out of nothing) is suggested to tempt others to ignore perceivable transmutation (out of everything); hence transmutation of ingredient "living" out of base "dying"?
How does one respond? By choice, which makes choice a reaction to enacted. How could choice "act" when it (living) reacts to being directed (dying)?