a) NUMBER; noun - "the designation of a unit" + UNIT; noun (Latin unitas) - "the state of being one; oneness". ALL perceivable designates each ONE perceiving it through self differentiation.
b) the parasitic few tempt the many to ignore oneself by suggesting them to count other ones as two; three; four etc.
Sleight of hand: "I'm the Count and I love to count things; would you like to count with me?" If one consents to the suggestion of counting then its open sesame for others to put numbers into ones memory (mind).
c) true (want) vs lie (not want) tempt to ignore adaption to constant change (need). The natural order (life being moved from inception towards death) doesn't suggest either true or false information; it communicates perceivable inspiration for those being moved to adapt to.
d) KNOWLEDGE; noun - "to perceive". Truth vs Lie represents in response to suggested.
Queen Elizabeth privately owns 2.6 billion acres. There could be more habital land if she wasn't full of greed. Just the largest example of land hoarding.
Yes it does, and the apple jacks represent love. Does the apple jacks represent adding the apples yourself? If nothing is perceivable within nature, do we count the apple jacks in the box? Or in the bowl? Now does nature communicate in apples? Hungry? Hungry for apples?
Can you show me two things that are the same; when perceiving them implies each one to be at a different position?
the apple jacks represent love
Love (want) implies vs hate (not want). A rebranding to distract from the choice made before.
Does the apple jacks represent adding the apples yourself?
If apple jacks represents want; then you ignored perceivable (need) for suggested (want). Perception represents the only source that adds to those perceiving it.
If nothing is perceivable within nature, do we count the apple jacks in the box?
Perception implies as one thing perceiving all things. Suggested no thing ignores that. For us to count apple jacks in the box; I first would have to consent to the suggested box. I hereby resist that suggestion.
Or in the bowl?
Whatever you suggest represents the sales-pitch for the underlying contract law between choice (consent) and choice (suggestion). I adapt to perceivable natural as choice in response to balance. I have apple-trees though and in about six to eight weeks its harvest season again. Be patient.
does nature communicate in apples?
Communication from flow to form implies every form perceivable.
Perceivable need of hunger.
Hungry for apples?
Suggested want for taste tempting to ignore perceivable need for hunger.
a) NUMBER; noun - "the designation of a unit" + UNIT; noun (Latin unitas) - "the state of being one; oneness". ALL perceivable designates each ONE perceiving it through self differentiation.
b) the parasitic few tempt the many to ignore oneself by suggesting them to count other ones as two; three; four etc.
Sleight of hand: "I'm the Count and I love to count things; would you like to count with me?" If one consents to the suggestion of counting then its open sesame for others to put numbers into ones memory (mind).
c) true (want) vs lie (not want) tempt to ignore adaption to constant change (need). The natural order (life being moved from inception towards death) doesn't suggest either true or false information; it communicates perceivable inspiration for those being moved to adapt to.
d) KNOWLEDGE; noun - "to perceive". Truth vs Lie represents in response to suggested.
What the fuck is all this babble. ??? Anyway, I hope this makes sense to someone.
He makes sense to no one.
No they don't. At least they are polite.
I can politely take a crap on your kitchen table. Doesn't make it any better.
Queen Elizabeth privately owns 2.6 billion acres. There could be more habital land if she wasn't full of greed. Just the largest example of land hoarding.
Does "two" represent a perceivable state or does it imply one using choice to count other ones as suggestible "two"?
If everything perceivable within nature represents a different one; then wouldn't counting tempt to ignore that?
How does nature communicate numbers?
Yes it does, and the apple jacks represent love. Does the apple jacks represent adding the apples yourself? If nothing is perceivable within nature, do we count the apple jacks in the box? Or in the bowl? Now does nature communicate in apples? Hungry? Hungry for apples?
Can you show me two things that are the same; when perceiving them implies each one to be at a different position?
Love (want) implies vs hate (not want). A rebranding to distract from the choice made before.
If apple jacks represents want; then you ignored perceivable (need) for suggested (want). Perception represents the only source that adds to those perceiving it.
Perception implies as one thing perceiving all things. Suggested no thing ignores that. For us to count apple jacks in the box; I first would have to consent to the suggested box. I hereby resist that suggestion.
Whatever you suggest represents the sales-pitch for the underlying contract law between choice (consent) and choice (suggestion). I adapt to perceivable natural as choice in response to balance. I have apple-trees though and in about six to eight weeks its harvest season again. Be patient.
Communication from flow to form implies every form perceivable.
Perceivable need of hunger.
Suggested want for taste tempting to ignore perceivable need for hunger.
Worst bot ever in the history of bots